Chapter One: Meeting Aphmau's Friends.

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The server was peaceful and quiet despite the chaotic events the other day, Aphmau told M/N to meet her by the waterfall and not to be late since she wants to introduce him to her friends. So that is where M/N is heading at the moment unaware of someone or something watching him from the shadows...

M/N had arrived by the waterfall to be met with a lot of shocked and curious eyes except from one he recognised it was Zane. M/N walked up to Zane and began talking to him. 

"Hey Zane."

M/N said as Zane smiled underneath his mask.

"Hello M/N."

To say the least the people around M/N and Zane were shocked probably because they thought Zane didn't know this person but he does. A blue haired streak dude comes up towards M/N and begins to start questioning him which slowly turns to demands.

"Who are you?"


"Do you have Gold?"

"No, I just arrived to-"

"My name is Ein and I want your Gold!"

"I said I don't have any-"

"I said give me your Gold new player!"

Aphmau's voice could be heard and Ein huffed as Aphmau and Zane scolded him for being demanding and rude and plus they also explained how Diamond is much better than Gold but Ein shrugged as he blanked them out not giving a single thought to what they said. 

Aphmau turned around to meet M/N eye to eye as she smiled. 



"How have you been??!"

Aphmau and M/N said at the same time as they both began to laugh however a pink haired girl cleared her throat. 

"Aphmau?... Who is he?"

Aphmau stopped laughing as she cleared her throat. 

"Oh right... Guys this is my brother! M/N these are my friends!"

Aphmau began to point out her friends and call them by their name.

"He's Ein you know the one demanding for your Gold... And stuff."

Aphmau deadpanned as Ein began to talk to his Gold. 

"Don't worry Gold! I'll love you forever! Heheheheehe!"


Aphmau went back to introducing her friends to M/N as he listened.

"This is KC! She loves to bake cakes and she is one of my best friends!"

KC spoke up and greeted M/N.

"Hi M/N it's nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too KC!"

KC smiled as M/N smiled too and Aphmau chuckled and went back to introducing her friends ignoring Zane's deadly aura of jealousy. 

"This is Pierce! He loves sheep and his sheep especially and his mutton but he doesn't know where it comes from but don't tell him we don't want to make him upset..."

M/N nodded as Aphmau whispered the last part as Pierce spoke up.

"It's nice to meet ya Aph's brother but if you do know where mutton comes from please tell me!"

M/N sweat dropped as he lied slightly. 

"I don't know either! It's such a mystery..."

"I KNOW! Gosh darn it... Welp better get back to Partrica and the others... Have fun!"

Aphmau chuckled a bit as M/N sighed in relief as Aphmau showed M/N to another one of her friends. 

"This is Kim, she loves to read and make potions but don't get on her bad side..."

Kim began to speak to M/N as he listened.

"Nice to meet you! Maybe you can come over later so we can read books?"

"Sure! I like to read!"

Kim's eyes sparkled.

"REALLY??? OMG OMG! I'll see you later new player bye! Gotta clean my house new reading buddy! New reading buddy! OMG OMG!"

Aphmau and M/N nodded as Aphmau went on to show the last 3 of her friends.

"And this is Mac she is shy but loves her veg.."

MacNCheese began to speak happily to M/N. 

"Hi M/N it's nice to meet you! H-..have a potato... I heard from Aphmau you like potatoes..

M/N smiled softly as he thanked MacNCheese.

"Thanks Mac."

"No problem!"

Aphmau went to show her two last friends but M/N knew one of them was going to be Zane but what Aphmau said made M/N laugh slightly.. 

"And you knowww Zane so we're just gonna skip him...


Aphmau showed M/N the last of her friends who turned out not to be just her friend...

"And lastly! This is Aaron my boyfriend!"

M/N's blood ran cold.



"Your what...?"




As Aphmau said that M/N whipped out a netherite sword and began to chase Aaron around the server as everyone watched unsure what to do whilst Aphmau was running after M/N.



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