"Anyways, these two girls came to defend me and wiped all of them out. We became friends since they were the first people who were ever nice to me." She reminisced, more tears flowing. I ran back in the store to grab some napkins.

"Liz is my first crush and first love," Rei revealed "ever since I saw her cheering me on when I played football, I've fallen for her ever since. She's the main reason I started to play football y'know?". She started to smile while staring out in the horizon. "I'm unbelievably fortunate that she's also my first girlfriend. I just want to do anything and everything with her, just so I can make her as happy as she makes me feel everyday."

That hit me in the feels to be honest. The same girl that I met Wonyoung through by her confession note, talking to me about NOT CHOOSING WONYOUNG?!?!? The audacity of some people! I guess it is good that she didn't choose Wonyoung though. Because.... I wouldn't have met Wonyoung and by extension, most of my friends. Yeah... that's the reason. 

Rei broke my concentration, "If you don't mind me asking: what about you? Why do you graffiti and mess around with the teachers all the time?" She looked a bit scared to ask me that.

I chuckled, "I do it for no particular reason I guess. I first started because my old teacher told me that I was a good artist; this was in like 2nd grade by the way. After she said that, I guess I became so confident that I started drawing all over the place. When she caught me drawing on the classroom wall, she sent me to detention and called my parents- the whole schabang. I was mad at her. I felt like she betrayed me...and ever since... I've done it to every teacher I had..." I felt tears dripping down my eyes. Rei blotted the napkin around my face.

I stood up quickly to end the emotional deep talk we just had. "Hahaha anyways... let's go in, it should be starting soon..." I trailed off.

I looked at Rei. She rose up giving me an understanding glance; for all intents and purposes, this conversation never happened.


Anyways, by the time we threw away our trash, it was 11:46. We headed inside to find seats. As we were walking down the aisles to find somewhere, I spotted Wonyoung's family. And to the side, I also noticed Gaeul with a couple kids from school. We sat down between the two groups.

"Gaeul? What are you doing here?" Rei asked.

"I'm here to take pictures for the school news" she answered. Gaeul turned her attention to me her eyebrows dropping down angrily, "Yujin why didn't you reply to me yesterday?"

"Oh yeah sorry, I saw it but I didn't want to wake up Wonyoung so I couldn't reply," I responded, "When I got home, I completely forgot, and knocked out"

Gaeul nodded and commented "nah you're good, it wasn't anything important anyways, was just wondering if you wanted to go with me today." She trailed off at end, sounding unconfident, very unlike her.

We chatted some more as we waited for the competition to start. The loud horn beeped and the LED lights started blinking meaning it was time for Wonyoung to win. I mean... for the Cheer competition.

**Wonyoung's POV**

"We practice hard. WE WIN HARD." We huddled our hands in a stack, as captain I had the responsibility of doing the most important job. What is that task?





Confessions// AnnyeongzWhere stories live. Discover now