Chapter 4

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Ghost sat in his post, licking his lips to find the sweet taste of her still on his lips. The fire inside him was blazing for more release; the overwhelming need to consume her completely being the only thing on his mind. He didn't worry about whether or not she wanted him, it was obvious to him. His eyes burned a hole into her bedroom window, the effects of the serum wearing off to make her shift slightly as he watched through the slightly open curtain. He checked his watch. 5:41 AM. Should be fully awake by now.

Ghost walked down the stairs of his post, keeping his eyes on Lillian's house for movements. He stood at the base of the stairs, trying to look unbothered. He noticed movement in the corner of his eye and looked over to see Soap approaching. Damnit, Johnny. "Mornin' Lt.!" He shouted. "Johnny," Ghost greeted nonchalantly. As the two talked, time seemed to pass slowly as he kept an eye on Lillian's front door. Once he saw movement, he glanced over to see her emerging from her house. She had sweats and a hoodie on as she approached Ghost and Soap. "Lillian, up so early on a ?" Ghost said with the same nonchalant tone. "Morning, uh," she put a hand to her forehead, "Did you guys happen to see anything last night? I could've sworn I saw someone in my room last night." she said with a scared tone. "Uh, no," Ghost shook his head, "Lt. saw a cat roaming around the outside of yer house, but that's it." Soap added. Lillian looked at Ghost, "A cat?" she repeated. Ghost nodded his head. "A black one, with white spots." he lied. "Oh, that's Oreo, he's the neighborhood cat." Lillian forced a smile. Lucky guess. "Ah, I'll be sure to keep Oreo away if it makes you feel safer, Lillian." Soap said with a slightly suggestive tone. Ghost gave him a look that wiped the smile from Soap's lips. "Sir," Soap nodded and walked away. "Sorry, he's a bit of a dickhead." Ghost apologized. Lillian shook her head, "It's alright." she smiled once more. "Cigarette?" she offered as she gestured towards her house. "Thought you'd never ask." Ghost smiled under his mask.

As they sat on the porch, Ghost watched Lillian closely. He noticed she held her stomach and rubbed her head absentmindedly. "Feeling alright?" he asked as he took a drag. "Uh, yeah. Just a bad headache." she assured as she smiled a pained smile. "I know what helps with that." Ghost said with a suggestive tone. Lillian laughed lightly, "Oh do you?" she asked with an enticing glare. Ghost nodded his head as he adjusted his footing. "Ghost, you're not being improper, are you?" she asked with a smart tone as she put out her cigarette. "What if I am?" he said smoothly as he took a last drag. Lillian watched him intently, feeling her cheeks burn as she squeezed her thighs together. "I'd have to report you." she teased. Ghost laughed under his breath, "You enjoy watching me too much, dove." he said alluringly. Lillian sat speechless as Ghost's tired eyes turned dark. Searching her mind for a response, she was left with nothing. "I'll see you later. Be a good girl and put on something nice for me." He said as he tossed his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out.


As Ghost laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind raced and his cock ached. He glanced at his watch impatiently; 1:39 PM. Time was dragging on. He pulled his phone out to look at the camera's he installed in Lillian's home. When he pulled up the feed, he watched as Lillian sat on her couch, talking on the phone. He pressed the microphone to listen in on her conversation.

Lillian: Yeah you can come by.


Lillian: No, I live alone, Sam. You already know that.

Lillian laughs in a way Ghost only thought was meant for him. Her tone was flirty. Anger grew ferociously as he sat up and continued to listen. Sam?

Lillian: I don't know what do you want to do?


Lillian: No, that's fine we can hurry.

Night Watch | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now