Chapter 3

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Lillian paced her front porch subtly, looking around the streets for the familiar mask she had looked forward to seeing all day. When she didn't see Ghost, she glanced at her phone to check the time. Where the hell is he? She shook her head slightly and sighed. She turned to walk inside her house, feeling a growing feeling of disappointment in her chest, along with a touch of sadness. She walked to the couch and sat down roughly with a quick breath escaping her lips. She pulled up her phone, scrolling mindlessly. After a while, a noise from outside pulled her attention from her phone. She stood up, walking to the window to look out into the streets.

Looking outside, she noticed a few soldiers standing in the streets, fooling around and stumbling as if they were drunk. Lillian furrowed her brows as she watched them shove each other, their voices growing louder. Her heart began to pound in her ears as she watched the shoving grew more fierce and the shouting escalated quickly. As they were on the verge of a fight, another soldier from afar was shouting at the men as he approached. She saw the man shout and grab one of the men by his collar. After shouting at them, he pointed to the truck that was close, "Get in the fucking truck!" he shouted. The man pulled something from his pocket as they filled the truck and fumbled with it before he put it to his ear. His voice was still loud as he talked into his phone, "Get another team out here. North team is fucking drunk still." After a moment, he hung up. I hope they called Ghost...

Ghost looked at his phone, seeing Price's name on the screen. "Yeah?" he answered. "Get your shit on." Price spoke quickly. "What?" Ghost said, his chest tightening in excitement and impatience. "Our cover is fuckin' drunk so we don't get the night off. I'll be there in 10." Price hung up before Ghost could respond.

As the team approached, Ghost grew more impatient. He shifted in his seat as he pulled his phone from his back pocket to check the time. 10:02 PM. She usually goes to sleep around this time. "You good, Lt.?" Soap's voice was quiet in Ghost's ear, as if he were already blocking it out. Ghost turned to Soap, "Yeah, good." he said shortly as he sighed. "That woman got a hold on you, does she?" Soap teased quietly. Ghost rolled his eyes, "Tha'll do, Johnny." Ghost said annoyed as he played off the fact she actually consumed his mind.

As the truck came to a stop, Ghost stepped out of the truck, his eyes immediately fixated on her house. The lights were off, but he noticed a small spot of red light on her porch. He smirked under his mask. Waiting for me, dove? He turned towards Soap and the rest of the team, walking to the back of the truck. As he gathered the rest of his gear, he kept his eyes on the black figure on Lillian's porch, the small fire glowing every so often. "Stay sharp, Lt." Soap said sarcastically as Ghost began to walk away. "Always, Johnny." Ghost responded in the same tone. Ghost walked through the street to his post, keeping his sights on Lillian through his peripheral vision. He noticed she had shifted, presumably standing up, and he looked over. He stopped walking as he noticed her walking to the top of the steps on her porch, and she had her arms crossed over her chest. He changed his course, approaching her yard.

"Bit late, innit?" Ghost said smoothly, loud enough for only her to hear. "Couldn't sleep." she said softly. I have something to help with that. "Why not?" he asked, pushing the thought of the serum in his bag away. Lillian shrugged her shoulders, "You guys are loud." She joked. Ghost nodded his head, "Yeah, supposed to be off tonight but our coverage had too many." he responded, somewhat annoyed yet relieved. Lillian nodded softly, "I feel safer with you here, anyways." she said as she smiled subtly. "Is that right?" Ghost asked, his tone nearly seducing. Lillian nodded once more. Ghost walked to the bottom of the steps, keeping his eyes on Lillian, "How do you know you're safer with me?" he asked, his tone sending a fiery chill over Lillian. Her breathing picked up slightly, "A feeling." she said softly. Ghost walked up the steps slowly, "A feeling?" he questioned with his voice low. When he reached the top step, Lillian stepped back once, she saw darkness as his tired eyes looked down at her. The tension was heavy, causing her mind to swirl as it searched for something to say, but she only looked down. Ghost noticed her breathing had increased, and her face was flush with hues of red. "Do I make you nervous, Lillian?" he asked entrancingly as he lifted her chin with his gloved finger. Her eyes met his once more, his iris' were lustful and dark as they darted from one of her eyes to the other. She absentmindedly nodded, her lips parted as she tried to speak but her throat wouldn't produce anything. "Good," he said under a whisper, his voice harsh. His thumb trailed over her bottom lip, stealing more sparse breaths from her. He stepped back as his hand left her chin, and walked down the steps, almost tauntingly. He left Lillian a mindless mess as he walked to his post. Lillian pulled her eyes away from him, and walked inside, breathless from their encounter.

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