part 2: Introductions

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Start of the movie >:)

For two years, Lydia had been living in Paris. Halfway through the first year she had met the Professor, he was kind and understanding enough to let her live in his green house. It was the perfect place for her, with the trees and moisture.

Two days ago, the Professor had left for New York for some big conference, she wasn't really listening, but the instructions she did hear were to let Charles (the Professor's monkey assistant) handle all the important things and not to let people see her.

She was sitting in the upper branches of the biggest tree in the greenhouse, the Sequoia. She was playing with her pollen as it flew and weaved around her hands.

Charles jumped onto the branch Lydia was sitting on. He pulled out a card from his jacket that read. 'Raoul is going to be here in an hour, stay hidden.' Lydia rolled her eyes and her pollen disappeared, along with her good mood.

"Yes, Charles. I know, you've told me a milion times." Lydia waved off his efforts to warn her and jumped to a higher branch.

After she came to the Professor's greenhouse, she had learned how to talk and more about her pollen. It had the ability to effectively manipulate vines and small plants and even turn her into her old flower form with enough energy and water.

Another thing she learned was her love and need for sugars of any kind.

She released some more of her pollen into the tree and vines curled around the branch below her, forming a small hammock.

She crouched and slid off the branch onto the hammock and sighed as she settled into the vines. "Wake me up when they get here, Charles!" She called out into the greenhouse, closing her eyes and drifting into a dream.

Time Skip

Lydia jumped awake to the sound of unfamiliar voices, she tried to peek over the edge of her hammock to get a better look at the intruders but slipped, falling forward out of the tree.

She yelped as she plummeted toward the water covered ground, as she hit the surface face first, she created a huge splash.

Lydia growled as she sat up, water dripping from the petals on her head. A loud gasp was heard from her left and she turned to face the person. It was dark in the greenhouse but she could plainly see a short man, dressed in green and holding a camera.

"Oh my God are you okay? Raoul! Come over here!" the little man shouted towards the entrance. Lydia blinked, soaking the water into her eyes so she could see better, she stood up and her petals settled on her body as she dusted herself off.

The little man in green stumbled back and fell, his camera slid to Lydia's feet. She bent down and picked it up, dusting it off and holding it out to him. "Don't worry, I don't bite." The man looked up at her in awe but before he could say anything else another, taller, man rushed in front of him.

"If you want to get to him, you'll need to go through me!" He shouted and waved his arms in front of him, in a desperate attempt to hit her.

Lydia raised an eyebrow and put her hand on her hip, holding the camera in the other. The small man ran in front of the taller man who was still short compared to Lydia. "Raoul! Stop! She's friendly." He turned back to her with a smile. "She just wanted to give my camera back." Lydia smiled back and handed him the camera.

Raoul stared and the small man looked up at Lydia. "Thank you, uh...miss uh.." Lydia laughed. "Lydia, my name is Lydia."

This time when she turned to Raoul his mouth was wide open. "Th-the flower girl TALKS?!."

Lydia blinked.

"I would think you would be more concerned with how I'm walking and conscious." Lydia hummed expectantly.

"Well, Lydia, my name is Emile. It is lovely to meet you, this is my friend Raoul." Lydia smiled and nodded, suddenly Charles jumped on her, gently hitting the side of her head with his hands. She pushed him off of her. "Get off me, you flea bitten- ugh!"

She looked back to see that both Emile and Raoul were at the Professor's lab station.

Both Lydia and Charles scrambled up and trotted over to them, Raoul greeted Lydia with a small wave and went back to messing around with the bottles that sat on the desk.

Emile had the camera up and was pointing it around, he accidentally knocked into her leg. He apologized quietly and turned back to Raoul.

Raoul was reading the label on a perfume bottle with a hot pink liquid inside. "Atomise-a-tune? Atomise-a-tune. Good name!" Lydia face palmed as Charles jumped up onto the desk, screeching at him.

Raoul paid no mind to him and sprayed the liquid into the monkey's mouth. Charle's screeching turned to operatic singing.

Chuckling, Emile spoke. "That's incredible!" Raoul nodded. "That's amazing! Charles, you have a lovely singing voice."

Lydia rolled her eyes, she knew what that did, the Professor tested it on her! She growled and snatched the bottle away from Raoul, putting it on a high shelf.

"Alright, let's try this one. 'Super-Fertiliser' hmm." Lydia whipped her head towards Raoul just in time to see him spray it on a sunflower seed.

She groaned as he peered at the seed. "Maybe you need to water it." Emile offered, Raoul smiled. "Good idea, Emile."

He took a watering can from the counter and poured it onto the seed before peering at it again. Lydia sighed and walked over to him, picking up the seed and tossing it into the lily pad bed next to the desk.

"What was that for?" Raoul complained. "Can you just be patient for a second!" Lydia scolded.

As if on cue, after Lydia stopped talking, a huge sunflower shot out of the water and grew to about fifty feet tall. Lydia smiled triumphantly at Raoul.

"Did you get that?" Raoul whispered and Lydia chuckled walking to the front of the desk and leaning on it. "I did! All of it!" Emile laughed.

"God! A sunflower that big must produce tons of oil." Raoul remarks and Lydia looks over at him. "This could cut Catherine's feul budget by ten."

He picked up another seed and sprayed the fertilizer on it before Lydia snatched it out of his hand and gave it to Charles. Raoul laughed.

"Emile, this must be my lucky day!" He declared, Lydia was about to scold him when the creaking sound of the sunflower caught her attention. She gasped and tried to deploy her pollen but she was out, so instead she rushed forward and tried to push the flower back.

"Emile!" Raoul shouted and Emile put his camera down on a bench and ran over to help.

A Monster in Paris x Oc:  Flowers And FleasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang