Chapter 5: ''Reflexes with Strategery, and Flattery''

Start from the beginning

Bubba Bubbaphant: ...Oh! Uhh, Bats. They can have up to 20 milliseconds reaction time, which is insane! But i'm not sure if that's for a single sense, or just in general. And cats have good reflexes to hunt small and fast prey in the wild.

CatBat: Exactly. You shouldn't expect any less.

DogDay: I'm sorry, but still! That was awesome! The way you just-

CatBat: Oh for fluff sake, stop it. It's embarrasing!

Speaking of which. He didn't make any eye contact anymore. But i could still see that he was blushing. DogDay just giggled lightly.

He quickly made it back to the tree we were in as everything went back to normal. But of course, i decided to tease him a little.

CatNap: *Whisper* I never knew you were into the doggy~

CatBat: S-Shut up...

CatNap: *Whisper* Say. When will you tell him?~

CatBat: *Mumbles* fuck off dude.

I could barely hold in my laughter at this point. But i couldn't let them hear me. Not so early. I only opened up to DogDay because i knew my brother liked him. Trust me, I've read enough romances to know when it happens.

CatBat was still looking at DogDay. But his entire fur was tinted red. Not just his cheeks I haven't heard of that before. But it was barely noticeable, so it probably didn't mean much else.

CatBat POV

I swear, has this dog cursed me or something? I can't stop thinking about him! And CatNap teasing me dosen't make my situation any better. Should i talk to someone about this? Definately not CatNap that's for sure. Is this just normal for best friends? I don't know! And what does he mean with ''tell him''?

It's been some time since my last encounter with reaction, or, anything related to that, as i was in my house watching a movie. Theo recommended a horror movie. So here i am, watching a horror movie. Or, atleast about to. Before i got to turn on the tv, there was a knock on the door. So as always, I make my way over to the door. To see who it is.

But surprisingly, it wasn't DogDay this time, rather Hoppy!

CatBat: Well this is unexpected. Heya Hoppy! How's it going?

Hoppy seemed pretty hyped, but how did she get up here? She didn't seem to be one to climb. Eh, i'll ask her later if I remember.

Hoppy Hopscotch: Hey CatBat! We're having a group dodgeball game! You up? You've got some pretty good reflexes.

CatBat: Of course i'm down! I haven't played dodgeball in who knows how long.

Hoppy Hopscotch: Great! Then we've got the whole gang!

The whole gang? Does that include Theo? No way right?

CatBat: Wait, the whole gang!? Even Theo- uhh, CatNap.

Hoppy Hopscotch: He's coming, but i doubt he's gonna be playing. He seemed pretty reluctant.

CatBat: Ah, i see. Anyway, when should i come?

Hoppy Hopscotch: We planned to have it right now! If that's fitting of course.

The sun is about to set, which would make a perfect setting for a dodgeball game. I hope Theo still has that camera. If the sunset is as beautiful as i've heard it was, i'd like to keep a shot of it.

CatBat: Yeah, that's fine! I was about to put on a movie CatNap recommended, but i guess that'll have to wait.

Hoppy Hopscotch: A movie? What type!?

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