Chapter 1 ''The Twins' Arrival''

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POV: DogDay

The sun rose up, it's rays hitting me in my eyes as i shift in my bed, It was just so comfy! I didn't want to wake up! But i knew i had to eventually. I've already planned a meeting for my friends right outside my house at 9. So i knew i had to get up. I reluctantly open my eyes only to be hit by the powerful beams of light the sun emitted. I'm hesitant on waking up, once i'm up it felt like i was never gonna see this bed until night-time. But it didn't bother me that much, as i knew i had good friends waiting for me. I slowly make my way into the bathroom, where i go over to the sink and practically dip my face into the water before wiping the sleep out from my eyes.

DogDay: Good morning DogDay.

I said to myself. I've always felt more awake when i tell myself those words. I didn't think much of it though. I took off all the clothing i was wearing before hopping into the shower and turned it on. Of course i had to wait a bit before the water was at a nice temperature. But it was worth it. Feeling the warm water dripping down on my body, soking me wet. It felt nice, it always has, and it always will. 

After the morning shower, i went and grabbed myself a towel to dry myself off. Smelling my scent of vanilla in the process. There wasn't anything else to do in the bathroom at the moment, so i rushed back into my room, towel hanging from my waist down covering me. Making my way over to the closet, i open it to find a mental image of what i wanted to wear. so i grab an orange pair of shorts with my signature sun symbol on the right leg. I also grab an orange hoodie with a black secondary. Also with my signature sun in the middle. I made my way to the mirror to see how i'd look. I loved it.

DogDay: Yeah, this is my style i never knew i had.

I giggle. I was almost done with my morning routine as i only had breakfast and teethcare left. So i make myself down to the kitchen to decide what my breakfast was gonna be. I looked into my fridge to notice some of the pancake batter i used yesterday. There was still a good amount left, so i took it out. 

After some skilled cooking, i ended up with what, 5 or 6 pancakes. I sat down with the table and chomp down on the delicious meal. A bite after another. Eventually the plate was empty as i pat my stomach.

DogDay: Man, pancakes never get old.

I walk back to the bathroom to finish off my morning routine.

With my teeth now brushed, i make it to the front door hearing voices on the other side. I was confused until i saw the time. 9:20. I rush outside to greet my friends as well as apologizing for being late.

DogDay: *Panicked* Hey guys, i'm sorry i'm late. I guess i just didn't check,the,time and then,i,lost,track,and,didn't,notice, and-

Hoppy Hopscotch: *Reassuringly* Hey, hey hey. It's fine. You're not that late, In fact, we're still waiting for Kickin.

Bubba Bubbaphant: And also Crafty, and Bobby. Don't count them out.

Hoppy Hopscotch: *Embarrased* Oh, yeah, them as well. (How didn't i notice they weren't here?)

I look around at my friends and notice that there were still a few missing, making me relieved and worried at the same time.

DogDay: They are coming right? I wouldn't want them missing out on a meeting.

Hoppy Hopscotch: I know for sure Kickin's coming. He wouldn't miss it for the world!

DogDay: Okay, atleast we know he's coming, but has anyone heard of Bobby and Crafty?

The area was filled with silence for a short moment until i answered for them.

DogDay: I'll take that as a no then.

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