Are You Done Rotting Yet, Nene?

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?" Nene tilted her head at the man.

"About the boys." Shosuke's usually stable voice faltered. "You were very right about them."

"Huh?" Nene looked at Tsukasa. He seemed just as confused as her. "What are you going on about?"

    Were they being homosexuals in front of the supervisor? Tsk, tsk. You should've asked permission before being gay.

"It's best if they tell you themselves," Shosuke said quickly.

"But neither of us know what you're talking about," Rui pointed out.

"Maybe that's best." Shosuke turned back to Sam and Lucas and resumed the conversation.

Sorry for not taking me seriously...? When could he have had the opportunity to even take me seriously?

Nene struggled to understand. She buried her face into the shoulder of the softly snoring and soundly sleeping Emu.

Eventually, she gave up. The random appearance of Tsukasa's sister began to rot her brain even more than her own actions had, only in the painful way.

"It's great that you found your sister and all," Nene said. "But can you please tell me everything? Give me at least some context!"

"Right," Tsukasa sat down next to Rui. "So, as you know, we were going to see where we're going to perform. It was some sort of park, by the way."

Rui didn't look like he was actually paying attention to Tsukasa's words. He was just looking at Tsukasa.

You zesty dumbass.

"Obviously, this is all after we lost Saki and all," The blonde was using grand gestures as he spoke. "Anyway. We were about to leave the park, but Rui saw Saki and told me. And that's it." Tsukasa said.

     "Oh, seriously?" Nene said. "I thought it was gonna be some big dramatic thing."

     "Like what? Saki falling from the sky and crashing onto my head?" Tsukasa said.

     "Maybe!" Nene's cheeks flushed out of embarrassment. "Who knows what happens when you three are by yourselves without me to make sure you're all behaving!"

     "You keep us from misbehaving?" Rui chuckled. "On the contrary, your attitude is way too wild."

     "It is not!" Nene argued, hiding her face into Emu's neck.

     "Totally is!" Tsukasa agreed. "Always with the sarcasm!"

     "I don't like sarcasm," Rui said.

     "Sometimes it's funny," Tsukasa shrugged.

     "Neither of you like it because neither of you idiots can detect it," Nene glared at the two. "You two are just meant to be."

     "Ha ha," Tsukasa sarcastically said.

How ironic.

     "Saki!" Mark said, continuing his phrase in a language that, to Nene, sounded kind of like English, but she couldn't quite tell since he spoke fast.

The hell are they saying?

     Nene stared at Saki as she frowned and said something back, also in that language. What she said seemed to have hurt the feelings of the two adults.

     The woman gave an understanding nod and smiled at Saki sadly.

     The man nodded, heaved a sigh then said something. Saki then turned to Shosuke and spoke to him, her voice full of hope and excitement. Shosuke glanced back at the three children on the cough before pressing his lips together and giving Saki a nod. The girl began to squeal happily.

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