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Author's pov

Min YoongiWorks in Min cooperation

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Min Yoongi
Works in Min cooperation.
Married to  Min Jimin.
Have 3 children.
Min Jungkook(24 studying in university, for master degree)
Min Yn ( 18,studying in first year university)
Min Kookmin (10, studying in 7th standard, a little trouble maker)

Min Jungkook(24 studying in university, for master degree)Min Yn ( 18,studying in first year university)Min Kookmin (10, studying in 7th standard, a little trouble maker)

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Min Jimin
Works as a home baker.
Loves her husband and children alot.

Loves her husband and children alot

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Min Jungkook

Min Jungkook

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Min kookmin

Kim NamjoonWorks as principal of Bangton school and university

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Kim Namjoon
Works as principal of Bangton school and university.
Married to kim jin.
Had 3 children.
Kim Taehyung (24, studying in university )
Kim Taevin ( twin of taejin, 16 studying in 11th grade )
Kim Taejin (twin of taevin, 16 studying in 11th grade).

Kim Taehyung (24, studying in university )Kim Taevin ( twin of taejin, 16 studying in 11th grade )Kim Taejin (twin of taevin, 16 studying in 11th grade)

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Kim Jin
Works as a teacher in bangton school uni
Loves her husband and children a lot.

Kim JinWorks as a teacher in bangton school uniLoves her husband and children a lot

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Kim Taehyung

Kim Taehyung

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Kim Taevin

Kim Taejin

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Kim Taejin.

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