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☆ 91. Chapter 91 Beast Crystal

Chapter 91 Beast Crystal

In fact, Beixu was still conscious. He drooped his head, which he could not hold up, and his eyelids were half-opened. In his haziness, he saw a huge snake head breaking through the clouds and looking towards him.

He struggled slightly, and the white ash and yellow mud covering his body fell with his movements. He stared at the huge snake head and the dark green pupils in the dust, and there was a moment of fear in his eyes.

He thought of some bad past events, and his whole body trembled slightly. His blood-stained arms groped the messy ground in an attempt to escape, but he found that he had no feeling at all underneath him.

He tried hard to drag his upper body, but he couldn't even take a step away. His lower body seemed to be stuck to the ground. The slightest movement would cause excruciating pain. If he was pulled forcefully, his flesh and blood would only be separated.

Finally he gave up, his bloodless face became silent, blood slowly flowed out of his ears, and waves of buzzing tinnitus lingered in his ears. Finally, he couldn't bear it, and he leaned over and vomited a mouthful of fishy-sweet Come blood.

His head hurt so much that his sharp ears were almost deafened, but he still heard several roars that were almost sharp and hoarse.

Someone was calling his name. "Beixu! Beixu!" shouted one after another.

Beixu wanted to respond but had no strength. He could only lie on the ground and gasp, tapping his fingers mixed with blood and sand to make a faint sound.

As the shaking stopped, the surrounding dense sand and dust fell down, like layers of dry gauze covering his breath. Beixu felt difficulty breathing and had to squint, looking at the giant snake in front of him in a distracted manner.

"Jiang..." He seemed to want to call the snake's name, but he only had time to say one word before he fainted.

At this time, Jiang Shengli was looking up at the mountains. After confirming that the earthquake had really stopped and that no more rocks would fall from the mountains, he quickly sent people to find Gongguang and Caoyin.

In this earthquake, Wanshe Cave was not the center of the earthquake. They were only affected. Except for the sudden falling boulders, no one in the tribe was injured, but many people were frightened and cried.

"Brother Jiang... no." Gongguang checked Beixu's injuries and shook his head helplessly.

This kind of injury was more serious than a broken bone, and there was nothing they could do about it.

"What about you! Do you have any idea?" Jiang Shengli quickly turned to look at Caoyin, his tone anxious, even hoarse.

Cao Yin pursed his lips and shook his head: "I'm sorry, leader, his injury is too serious, I... can't do anything." He could only stop the bleeding, but there was really nothing else he could do.

Perhaps no one in the vast wilderness of Asia could cure this kind of injury.

In fact, Jiang Shengli himself knew very well that how could these people who didn't even know what to do with broken bones be able to heal such broken bones.

But he didn't want to believe it, didn't want to admit it, and he would rather seek medical treatment in a hurry to keep that hope.

"Well..." At this time, Beixu woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the blood from his mouth and ears flowed down the side of his face and into his neck, just like the bright red hickeys that Jiang Shengli had bitten on him.

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