Start from the beginning

I let my dad and Kate discuss, moving on with the salutations. Tyler and I fist-bump as I pass by him, and then I follow the delicious smells to the kitchen.

The delicious-looking food surrounding my abuela almost makes me drool. She went overboard and prepared way too much. I'm not complaining, though. There are corn cobs, Pozole, homemade tortillas, fried rice, sauteed veggies, and I can see some meat roasting in the oven.

"¡Hola, MC! ¿Cómo estás?" I ask her, using the street name Tyler and I teasingly picked for her. It was initially a joke, but it stuck around.

Maria Carmen Hernández was busy her entire life, working hard to raise three children while still earning a salary as a maid in a luxurious hotel. She remained active since retiring, and one could never guess she's seventy-six. To her great pride, she can still do pretty much everything with impressive efficiency. Her quick wits also remain untouched by the years, and her repartee is legendary. I don't look much like my mother or father, but from what I heard and the old, damaged pictures I saw, I'm MC's spitting image. I certainly inherited her short height since both my parents are taller than average.

She barely pays me any attention, busy tasting the stew before her. "Estoy bien. Hand me the salt, mija," she asks, without even turning toward me. Knowing how she gets when she cooks, I smile and obey swiftly.

When I reach her, she takes the salt from my hands and extends her cheek for me to kiss it. Once more, I comply, enjoying the familiar scent of her face moisturizer, and offer my cheek in return. She gives me a peck and returns to her cooking.

"Do you need any help?" I propose in Spanish.

"No, I'm almost done. Go make sure the boys set the table correctly, and you can tell everyone we're eating in five minutes."

When I'm back in the dining room, Tyler, mom, and Kate are talking while dad sets the wine glasses on the table, as well as two beer ones for him and me.

Dinner unfolds nicely. It's delightful to be here, surrounded by my loved ones. The food is fantastic, and it's great to catch up with them all. But I can't help my mind to regularly drift to another loved one, spending his evening alone instead of with me, as intended.

Fuck! I was supposed to text him when I arrived! I take my phone out swiftly and open my messages quickly.

Sorry, I forgot to text you! I send.

Right after, typing bubbles appear. It's alright. I figured you were busy and didn't want to bother you.

You could never bother me.

For the duration of the dinner, my mind is divided between the conversation I'm having on my phone with Lex and the one with my family. Although I love my folks, I'm much more interested in whatever Lex texts me.

The suspense has been killing me. I think I might keep watching the movie without you, he sends at some point.

Don't you dare. This is our first movie together, you can't do that.

Fine. You forgot your hard drive, by the way. I ended up looking at the movies you have in there. Don't you know piracy is a crime, Walker? Would you steal a car?

I chuckle at the old commercial reference and type my answer. I would if I could. And a handbag too. And what's the other thing?

A television.

Yeah, I'd steal that too.

You insubordinate woman. I'm going to have to discipline you, don't I? The temperature goes up at once as a delicious warmth spreads through my body. Images of Lex sexually chastising me flood my mind. Holy shit, I might actually go out there and steal a car just to make sure he inflicts whatever punishment he comes up with.

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