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To my slight disappointment, my plan to surprise Lex by suddenly appearing on his doorstep is compromised by his building's rigorous security

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To my slight disappointment, my plan to surprise Lex by suddenly appearing on his doorstep is compromised by his building's rigorous security.

So now, I'm awkwardly standing in the lobby with my bag, pizza, pastries, and a pack of beers while the concierge and I wait in silence for Lex to answer his intercom. That gives me some time to overthink, and I hope to God Lex won't mind the change of plans.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when the man before me straightens up as if Lex could see him. "Mr. Coleman. I have someone here who wishes to come up."

There is a moment of silence, and I vaguely hear Lex's muffled answer. The concierge gives me an uneasy look, and I nod encouragingly.

"Well, she insisted on me presenting her with' the fun has arrived,' sir."

When I distinctly hear Lex's laugh, my grin widens. He then says something I can't make out, and the concierge nods. "All right, sir. I shall add Miss Walker to your list, so she can come up without consulting you."

So, Lex doesn't mind my impulsiveness—on the contrary. He's comfortable enough to allow me all the way to his doorstep, which feels important.

We're the real deal. This isn't just a passing fling. We're in love.

Damn, I sound like a bad Telenovela...

On my way up to his floor, I remind myself to take it slowly. Lex isn't in tune with his emotions, and I must respect his pace. I can't push him to go faster than he's comfortable with or force him to confess his feelings.

My excitement to see him is so great that I'm practically vibrating when I get to his door. Before I even need to knock on it, the heavy panel opens. Seeing his gorgeous face makes my breath catch in my throat like some enamored teenager.

He took a shower recently, the short strands on his head still wet, and he's wearing a white T-shirt and black basketball shorts.

His dashing smirk and the content expression on his face evaporates within seconds. The abrupt change of mood destabilizes me, but before I can ask what's going on, he pulls me inside, takes everything I'm holding to set it on the console, and gently grabs my face to angle it with the light.

Fuck, I forgot about the redness on the side of my face. Even the white of my eyes is slightly pink now, but it doesn't hurt much anymore, just a slight warmth.

Even though he radiates fury, his hold on me remains careful and soft, a stark contrast with the ire in his eyes.

"Who did this to you?" he grunts, the rage in his voice barely contained.

"It was...Stefano. He came by Kate's place and tried to start shit."

He tenses, the wrath on his face growing more intense. But the pad of his thumb is delicate when it brushes over my cheekbone. I reach up, resting my hands on his broad chest.

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