The app is advancing well, but we're getting to a point where we need a bigger server and more database to provide enough examples of ASL signs. We're up to an average of a hundred pictures and videos for each sign we'd thought of. The NAD also transferred their exhaustive video and photo library, adding to our data. But we still need more.

Since the app is meant to work in tandem with the deep learning algorithm we created, things would only get better and better with time. I'm unfamiliar with such algorithms, though, and even Mace is coming up short. We're stuck, and after a moment, he leans back in his chair and stares emptily at his screen.

"I really don't know how to solve this," he says. "You'll probably have to call the boss on this one."

"You think he can solve it?"

"If there's one person who can, it's him."

Well, I haven't seen Lex et today, and Mace is giving me the perfect excuse. "Thanks, man. I'll see if he has a minute to help me."

I walk fast to the stairs, climb them in record time, and then slow down in the upstairs corridors—my cardio is shit, and I don't want to enter Lex's office panting.

"Come in," he calls after I knock. His eyes sparkle with amusement when he recognizes the Hulk T-shirt I wore on my first day here.

I hesitate for a second, wondering if I should close the door or leave it ajar. Everyone usually closes it, but maybe it's best to be as unsuspicious as possible.

"Close it," Lex chooses for me, ending my internal struggle.

I comply and walk around his desk to stand next to him. "Hi," I greet, bending just enough to be leveled with him. He doesn't need a more vocal invitation to give me a kiss.

"Hi. What brings you here?"

"I'm having issues with the deep learning protocol, and I was told you could help me."

"I might, but what do I get in exchange?" he tries, his mood both playful and seductive.

"An app that'll make you millions," I snort with an eye roll while moving to get a chair to sit by him.

He chuckles low and closes whatever he's working on. We work for a while, miraculously behaving, finding satisfaction in our knees touching under the desk. After about two hours of focused work, Lex is done correcting the issues while explaining the process to me. Once everything is saved, I return the chair to the other side before coming back to him. I don't want to return downstairs yet.

"So, how does it feel to get your office back to yourself? Do you miss me terribly?" I ask, leaning on the desk beside him, my arms crossed over my chest.

"It's awfully quiet now."

"I wasn't noisy."

"You got carried away with the music at points," he grins. Vexed, I frown. "I'm not complaining. I quite enjoyed it when you hummed a tune or sang a verse. Especially the ones in Spanish."

I'm not the best singer—at all—so it's embarrassing to know he had to tolerate my lousy exploits for so long. Hooking his finger into the waistband of my skirt, he pulls me closer.

"When can I see you this week?"

"I have something tonight with Tamika. And I have drinks with the girls at a new bar tomorrow. Other than that, I'm free all week."

"Damn, it," Lex mumbles. "My sister is in town from Wednesday to Friday. She has a whole program, and I don't think I'll have a minute to myself."

"So...all we have is this weekend."

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