Ténébreux - Sinister

113 9 56

Bienvenue dans le monde réel. C'est nul. Tu vas adorer.

Translation: "Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it"


With a gentle chime, the bus stopped at their destination. Stepping off, the trio surveyed their surroundings. They found themselves in a rundown village nestled amidst the outskirts of Ulsan. Thick trees enveloped the area, with scarcely a vehicle in sight. The bus they got off from marked the final service for the day, and yet, it was only morning, the clock barely striking 11 am.

As they stood on the dusty road, the trio exchanged uncertain glances. The village before them seemed frozen in time, its buildings weathered and worn, its streets deserted save for the occasional stray dog.

"This wasn't exactly what I had in mind," Jisung muttered, disappointment evident in his voice.

Harin sighed, her shoulders slumping. "Well, we're here now. Might as well make the most of it."

Seungmin, ever the optimist, tried to muster enthusiasm. "Come on, guys. Let's at least be positive. Who knows, we might stumble upon something interesting."


As the trio ventured forward, the lively vibe of the market area greeted them at the entrance. Here, amidst the vibrant stalls of groceries and fish, a flurry of middle-aged ladies engaged in animated exchanges, adding to the colorful mix of sights and sounds. The air carried a sophisticated blend of village scents, evoking memories of simpler times.

Yet, amidst this charming scene, the three figures stood out like mysterious outsiders, their presence casting a subtle aura. Leading the group was the younger girl, her outfit a striking contrast against the lively backdrop of the market. Clad in black ripped jeans, a matching top, and a sleek leather jacket, she exuded an air of effortless coolness. Her brown boots made soft sounds against the pathway, while her long hair flowed freely, framing her captivating features, slightly hidden behind sunglasses and a black mask.

Accompanying her were two males, their attire mirroring her own in its dark and intriguing style. Dressed in black hoodies, ripped cargo pants, and high-end sneakers, they moved with a sense of purpose, their identities concealed behind sunglasses and face masks.

Together, they strolled through the busy market.

As they wandered deeper into the unknown, they decided to chat with fewer passersby, preferring the quieter spots of the street. Eventually, they stumbled upon an elderly man tucked away in a cozy nook. Approaching cautiously, Jisung knelt down and politely called out, "Harabeoji, can you hear me?"

The old man's weathered face turned towards the sound, his eyes narrowing with suspicion as he clutched a small bundle tightly against his chest. Sensing the man's unease, Jisung's expression softened with empathy. "Don't worry," he reassured, his voice carrying a laid-back tone. "I just wanna ask you something. Could you spare a moment to answer a few questions?"

Struggling to rise from his seat with the support of his cane, the old man shook his head, dismissing the trio with a wave of his hand. "Young kids these days, nothing but trouble. Just go on your way," he grumbled, his voice laced with irritation as he shuffled ahead, each step a confirmation of his age and frailty.

Seungmin let out a resigned sigh and tucked his hands into his pockets, his gaze following the old man's retreating figure. "Looks like we're in for a long day," he muttered, a hint of frustration in his tone.

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