Chapter 1

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Asano Gakushuu, the handsome, smart and talented student councillor president. Oh, did anyone mention? He is an ace student too, you know, the type that might off himself if he doesn't top the school cohort.
No one dared to cross his path and no one can afford to be on his bad side. His family is equally as scary, or maybe even scarier in fact. With his father being the chairman of the school, they basically run this place. Most of the student body worships the two and aspire to be like them. They would try to be only on their good side in order to survive in this sort of fucked up elite school.

It was a known fact that studying was one, but "surviving" was another. Now, introducing you. You were relatively well at studying as you manage to be in the top 10 every time without fail every time. Math, Science and English? No challenge. Despite so, you were terrible at "surviving" or according to your classmates, sucking up to either of the Asano males.

You had never once smiled politely to Asano Gakushuu when you were in a foul mood but you did when you felt like it, simply because you didn't want to die that badly. You would admit to one thing though, he was good looking and you might have actually been swooned by him if he wasn't that arrogant and annoying. The moment he opens that pretty mouth of his to talk to you, most of the time, violence crosses your mind.

Today, or like everyday, you are having one of the worst day of your life. You could not understand a single thing that the old creepy-looking teacher had taught in math class. The formulas on the whiteboard seemed like a drawing instead of making sense. At the same time, your mind kept drifting back to your family issue and it isn't helping your concentration at all.

Out of nowhere, from a distance you could hear a too well known, satanic voice that said, "(Y/N) San, you seem like you're having a bad day? Can I help you?" Oh god, you just had to see him today. Without a warning, he appeared right behind you.

"No, I'm fine." You shot back sharply, hoping that he will get the hint and leave you alone already.

"Are you sure? You look pale, maybe you should go to the nurse office." He lowered his head to take a closer look at you. Does he not know when to back up? You decided to ignore him, grab you things and leave the class.

Suddenly, he grabbed your arm with an iron steel grip. That's going to leave a bruise.

"Oi, where are you going?" He said with such a low and deep voice that it sent shivers down your spine. Oh boy, you're in some deep shit alright.

So what do you guys think?

What a ride (Asano Gakushuu story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang