Chapter 7

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Gandalf smiled as he reunited with you, explaining his journey after his fall in Moria.
Then from behind Gandalf ran Legolas, he embraced you tightly.  “I wanted to warn you, but Gandalf told me to run,” he said, putting you at arms length and making sure you weren't hurt.
“I was so worried,” you whispered, pulling back in for a tight embrace.
“I’m okay,” he comforted, brushing his hands along your hair. 
“I hate to break this up,” Gimli said loudly, “but we have another problem.”
“Yes,” Aragorn added, “the hobbits never made it to Isengard.”
“You mean they are dead?” Legolas asked, concerned.
You shook your head, “we don’t know, but the company of orcs never made it to Isengard.”
“I might be able to shed some light on that,” Gandalf interjected, “Merry and Pippin escaped the orc pack when they were attacked by Rohinian soldiers.  They fled into the woods where an old friend of mine brought them here.”
“And where are they now?” you asked.
“I have left them in the charge of my friend,” he responded, “he is an ent, he will keep them safe.” Without waiting for a response, Gandalf turned and led the rest of you away from the clearing.  You recognized the path, he was leading you out of the forest, towards the plains of the Gap of Rohan.
“Where are we going?” Aragorn asked.
“To Rohan,” Gandalf responded matter-of-factly, “I sense an evil there.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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