how its going

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they talked about themself more, and both end up going outside of the building.

kat: so uhm.. since when are you just there? and how are you not damaged

N: Oh! actually I got sent here.. not sure how but I'll find out! but it's kinda surprising I've been from copper9 to earth..

kat: copper9 uh.. well. i cant help you about this. but i guess you can stay around me for now, until you found a way..

N: wait really?? are you sure I wont bother? I mean, im a drone.. like the only in here.. eh.

Kat: nah your fine. we will try to hide you if need.

N: okay then.. what now :p

kat: uhm.. idk. let's go to my house. I guess we dont have other choice..

N: I can sleep outside!

kat: yea sure and end up being shot by the police if they see you 😒

N: oh? are we, like, dangerous for you guys?..


ugh I dont want to tell him the actual reason. I meant. he look kind, but that's a murder drones isint it? so he sure do look dangerous.

Kat: oh- uhm.. no! not that- its uhm..maybe.. your a murder drones are you?..

N nods so innocently

Kat: yea..

N: oh okay then. :p

---------------------no one pov-------------------

Kat walked to house with N following, it was easy to hide him, almost, other than the light kinda easy to see, he could hide in the darkness.

kat told N to stay outside behind the apartment,  until he unlocked his back door and quickly let N enter.


N: mh... i used to live in a monsion before, so this is different of what i remember

Kat: ah? yea ok?

oh no :( I think I confused him

N: sorry I might be confusing you! aha..

Kat: dont worry, anyways, uhmm.. I dont know how much space you would take by lying down so I'll put you a mattress in the living room.

N: hum actually I can just sit and go in sleep mode!

Kat: are you sure?

N: of course! :]

to whoever liked my story thank you i never expected that :D it's the first time it happends to me :D
also be ready cuz episode 7 of murder drones is in 2 days... 2 DAYS KDVDIWBDJAVDGWJDN

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