"Hey, I'm going out, are you going to be fine here by yourself?" Damon asked Eloise while putting on his leather jacket.

"Yeah, sure", Eloise said, "Where are you going?".

"Just going for some air", Damon said vaguely.

Eloise looked at him curiously while wondering why he was lying to her, "Okay".

Damon walked towards her and kissed her forehead, "See you later honey".

Eloise, still wondering what was wrong, answered coldly, "Yeah, bye".

Damon frowned as he left, when the door closed Eloise rushed to get changed into more decent clothes than her pj's and quietly followed Damon through the woods.

She saw that there was some kind of high school party going on and watched as Damon followed a girl that was walking alone through the woods.

Eloise stayed hidden while Damon bit the girl but as soon as he dropped her, he left.

Some kids were going towards the girl Damon bit and Eloise saw the panicking as they noticed the blood pouring down her neck, Eloise waited till they left to the area where the party was to leave discreetly without having to use her speed, but as she passed that area she saw a familiar figure retreating from the crowd.

At that moment she decided to go visit the Salvatore Boarding house.


Stefan Salvatore arrived in a hurry to the boarding house, slamming the door as he entered.

"What's going on?", Zach asked.

"Someone else was attacked tonight Zach, and it wasn't me" Stefan answered and then rushed upstairs.

Stefan entered his room and watched as a crow flew through the window, he turned around and there he saw his brother standing in the balcony , "Damon", Stefan said.

"Hello brother " Damon said and the smirked towards Stefan.

"Just going for some air, huh?", said another voice surprising Damon and Stefan.

"El..." Damon started just to be cut off by his angry best friend.

"Shut it, Salvatore" Eloise snapped and Damon winced knowing she only calls him by his last name when she's mad.

Stefan got inpatient seeing their interaction so he interrupted, "Crow's a bit much, don't you think?".

"Wait till you see what I can do with the fog", Damon said smugly.

"When'd you get here?", Stefan asked, "El, did you arrive with him?"

"Well, we couldn't miss your first day of school", Damond answered as he walked around the room, "Your hair is different, I like it"

"Wait, you knew Stefan was here and you didn't tell me?!" Eloise asked, getting angrier by the second.

"Can we discuss it later?" Damon asked while feeling the glare she was sending his way.

"It's been fifteen years, Damon", Stefan said.

"Thank god, I couldn't take another day of the nineties", Damon exclaimed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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