"You don't understand," he shook his head. "He'll kill her if we don't find them in time."

Everyone looked at him in confusion and he let out a sigh before he told them everything Angelise told him. From Welsby, to the physical and sexual abuse she suffered, and to her running away to escape him.

The room stood in silence as the guys processed everything. Jax dug his head into his hands as tears fell down his cheeks.

"I love her," his voice cracked. "I can't lose her, Abel can't lose his mom, I can't let her die, I can't."

Lifting his head up, he looked toward his brothers and saw them looking at him with sadness and determination. Chibs was the first one to speak.

"I got your back Jackie boy," he exclaimed. "We'll find the lass, she's family."

Jax nodded his head in appreciation and the others quickly followed in line. Standing from his seat, Clay addressed the room.

"Alright, Jax, you stop by Opie's, get him down here so we can straighten this out, Juice, see what you can find about this ATF guy, his whereabouts and where he's staying in town, we're gonna bring Angel home." he gave everyone their tasks and the group dispersed.

Walking out of the chapel, Jax spots Gemma by the bar and makes a beeline for her.

"Mom," he caught her attention. "Do you have LJ's number?"

She nodded her head. "Yeah, why?"

"Call him and tell him to meet us here." he explained before making his way toward the front door.

"Jax," she called out to him. "What's going on with Angel? Why'd that ATF guy take her?"

"Juice will explain everything, alright," he pushed the door open. "And call LJ."

While Jax went to find Opie, Gemma made the call to LJ. He was sitting in his kitchen when he saw Gemma's name pop up on the caller ID.

"Hi Gemma," he greeted. "Angel's not here."

"I know Leo," she sighed. "That's why I'm calling you, you gotta come down to the clubhouse, Angel's missing, an ATF guy took her earlier in a raid."

He quickly jumped out his chair and raced toward the front door. "I'm coming."

Hanging up the phone, he quickly dialed Ted's number. He answered on the first ring.

"What's wrong Jansen?" he asked.

"You gotta get on a plane and get here," he got straight to the point. "Angel's missing, I'll meet you at the airport."

Ted hung up the phone while LJ hopped in the car and sped toward Stockton airport. Two hours later, Jax was back at the club and briefing Clay on what he found out about Opie's whereabouts. Feds took him and his family late last night but neighbors say he wasn't taken in handcuffs.

Gemma was pacing the club when the front door opened and LJ walked in with Ted following behind.

"Took you long enough." she reprimanded him while placing her hands on her hips.

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