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Y/N WAS STILL IN SHOCK AT, what she just went through, but Raziel just stared at her like this was an everyday occurrence for him. She knew it was because he was an angel, so more things probably happened to him, but he could've atleast still had a reaction to that so she knew she wasn't alone on something like that. Now she really didn't know what to believe, and she had so much thoughts running through her mind. It was too complicating to figure out what exactly it was she was feeling, even though she knew that was the least of her worries at the moment.

"Are you feeling okay Y/N?" His voice almost sounded as though it was reverberating, and that scared her even more. She jumped back, and furrowed her eyebrows at the beautiful blonde that stood before her, but for some reason, all the fear she once felt quickly vanished, and was replaced by admiration. He'd really just saved her, and she couldn't believe she had the audacity to be afraid of him.

Raziel frowned when she backed away from his touch, but then it slowly disappeared when he saw her move closer to him, her E/C eyes wide and looking like they were glistening from wonder and adoration. He didn't know how to feel about this, but he couldn't lie and say it didn't make him feel like butterflies were flying inside of his stomach, "I... I need to worship you."

That's when the angel piped up at his words, and his cheeks became visibly red. She wasn't even focused on that though, she was more focused on how he casually saved her with such an amazing power. It was like she couldn't bring herself to say anything else. Her mind was just all over the place.

"Ahh, n-no need..." he murmured back in response, his head tilting low and his cheeks growing even hotter. This is when the feeling he'd felt before became even more intense, and all of a sudden he was glad Y/N couldn't feel his energy towards her because it was way more romantic than usual.

Y/N was almost at a loss for words, and when she realized this she internally calmed herself down, her chest rising and lowering from the quick freak out she'd just felt, "Just tell me if I need to get on my knees to praise you right now or..."

Waving his hands around with his eyes closing and loud giggles coming from him, he felt his heart continuing to thud through his body, and it hurt him that he couldn't do much about it. He knew angels weren't allowed to fall for humans, but he also couldn't help that he felt this way, "You're really funny Y/N, but no, you don't need to do anything like that...!!"

"Okay, okay.." she mumbled back to the long haired man that nodded his head, giving her an almost innocent smile like he didn't just save her life just a few moments ago. She was so thankful, she knew that would stick with her for the rest of her life.

After Y/N did nothing but stare at the angel, he started to grow a little nervous and he felt as if he was some animal in a zoo. He was glad that he'd impressed her, but at the same time he hated that she was already beginning to think differently of him, even though it was mostly positive thoughts, "Should we probably... get to another bus, or..."

Taking a step to the side, Y/N shot out her hand and showed Raziel the way, the same shocked look from before over her face. This made the angel frown a little while he wrapped his arms around himself as she then breathed out a slow, "Fuck, I don't know... You lead the way.."

That's when Raziel piped up once again, and he shook his head. He really didn't want to disappoint the young woman of course, but he was doing what he needed to, "Oh, no... I.. I really shouldn't.. that'd be like cheating, almost..!"

"Cheating?" Y/N questioned, confused by his words. She didn't know there was a whole thing on cheating a way through life, and if she was being quite honest it did sound a little intriguing to her, but at the same time judging from the blondes reaction, she obviously couldn't do anything of the sort.

"Ah, well, you know how to do these things, and I'm not allowed to do it for you, so..." he told her, taking his own step to the side to let her know what he meant by that.

Still feeling unable to understand what it was he really meant, Y/N narrowed her E/C eyes at him, finally feeling herself calming down after what had just happened right in front of hers "What do you mean..??"

The emotionless tone in the girls voice really sent alarms off in Raziels head, so he couldn't help but panic. He pushed his hands up in his defense and quickly started to wave them while a desperate look showed over his face and eyes. He knew that he would do anything for her, and they didn't even know each other for that long. That told him all he needed to, so he felt so bad he couldn't do this one thing, "If I could, I would!! Don't get me wrong!"

Now Y/N was even more confused, so she stood there in radio silence for a few seconds before she realized what was happening. It was almost like she was buffering for a few seconds, "Wait, no I'm just confused... There's other shit to all of this? Could you.. explain?"

Raziel realized what she meant by that, and he let a relieved sigh pass his lips before he placed his hand on his chest. He knew it was dramatic of him, but he really didn't want her to leave, "Basically, I'm just not allowed to help you do basic human tasks and activities. I'm only here to observe and help you whenever you need it... Like for example, what you just saw happen."

Feeling her own cheeks heating up, there was a new feeling that rose up inside of Y/N, and that's when she came to the realization that she actually felt a little something for him all because of the stunt he'd just pulled for her, "I guess I'm lucky I have an angel then... I'm not sure I would've made it out there alive, Raziel.."

"Yeah, you may be lucky, but not as lucky as I am..." the angel whispered the last words as he watched the girl turn around on her heel, realizing that she hadn't heard him. It definitely stung, but even he wasn't sure if he wanted her to notice his feelings for her yet.

Follow my other acc in case I get banned, ZOMB1EEEE

Follow my other acc in case I get banned, ZOMB1EEEE

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