Chapter 5

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In which Logan forces his way into the institute.

"Is that name supposed to mean something to us?" Marilyn questioned.

The man, Logan, rolled his eyes. "Not to you... yet, anyway. Do you remember me, Jean?"

Jean wrinkled her nose and recoiled from Logan. "No, I've never seen you in my—wait... you're the man from the labs! The brainwashed one!" Jean grabbed Marilyn and pulled her behind herself, then to Marilyn's surprise, stretched out her hand and flung Logan to the ground, without even touching him! Jean slammed and locked the door, her eyes wide.

"Who was that?" Marilyn asked her.

Jean shook her head. "He was with me, Scott, and the others when we were kidnapped. He was out of control, and killed tons of people. I'm pretty sure he was being mind-controlled, and I helped him escape."

"You're like a Jedi," Marilyn whispered, still in awe from seeing Jean's powers. She was so swift and in control. It had looked almost effortless for her to fling Logan away.

Jean smiled and shook her head. "Not really. I'm telekinetic, which means I can move things with my mind. It sounds like you might be, too."

"But I don't move things with my mind, it just happens on its own."

"Well, when you get better at controlling—" The girls were interrupted by pounding on the door. "Go get the others," Jean ordered Marilyn, "I'll stay and guard the door."

Although Marilyn didn't want to leave Jean alone, she didn't protest. She ran back, shouting, "There's a crazy brainwashed guy at the door and he's looking for the professor and he's trying to break in!"

"What on earth..?" Hank asked, looking more exhausted than frightened. He jogged to the door, everyone else following suite. Marilyn trailed behind them, wondering how everyone was so calm. She felt like she would pass out from fright.

Peter peeped out the window. "Hey, it's Logan!" He exclaimed, delighted.

"I'm sorry, who?" Kurt asked him, looking out as well. "Jean, is this the man from the—"

"Yes," Jean confirmed, "How do you know this man, Peter?"

"We broke into the Pentagon together in '73," he explained, "Hank was there. Remember Logan, Hank?"

Hank groaned. "I remember him all too well," he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"This Logan guy tried to kill us!" Scott said, waving his arms around, "Why is he here?"

Ororo had turned to Peter, eyes wide in shock. "You broke into the Pentagon?"

"Let him in," Hank grumbled, "He'll just break down the door if we won't."

Alex shook his head. "Hank, are you sure that's a good idea?"

"I'll fight him if it comes to it," he said to Alex, "I've chucked him down the stairs before, and I'll do it again."

Alex grinned. "Impressive, Bozo. I almost hope he puts up a fight so I can see that."

"So, should I open the door or not?" Jean asked impatiently.

"Go ahead," Alex told her. Marilyn felt anxiety rising in her chest as Jean unlocked the door and slowly pulled on the handle. Logan calmly walked in, hands in his pockets and looking quite pleased with himself.

"See? I knew you could be more hospitable. Oh wow, I got a whole welcome party, huh?" He surveyed the group, smirking in a way that sent chills down Marilyn's spine. This man seemed to know a lot... maybe too much.

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