"Good thing everyone was wasted," Jennie says after they finish laughing about how sloppy the sound guys got. "You and I weren't exactly being subtle."

Lisa juts out her bottom lip like she does whenever Jennie's being 'stupidly cute.'

"Aww, Jen. I think they all kind of know."

Jennie blinks. "About us?!"

"Yeah," Lisa says sweetly (and a bit condescendingly, if you ask Jennie). "For a while now."

Jennie's still trying to come to terms with that revelation when she gets a flurry of texts from Mino — one of the few people who she's exempted from her Do Not Disturb setting.

"Oh, woah," she says, quickly scrolling through her messages. "My phone's been blowing up."

"Yeah? Mine too." Lisa shrugs. "Anything urgent?"

"No, I don't think so. The general gist is we should check our mentions."

Lisa's eyes light up at that. "Oh my god, the photos of us!" She scoots her chair closer to Jennie's and taps her wrist. "Let's look, let's look!"

Jennie sighs and rolls her eyes, but she's kind of excited too. With everything that's happened, she'd forgotten that they had posed together on the red carpet.

She angles her phone toward Lisa and opens Instagram. And Jennie knows people hate The Algorithm, but in this instance, the Silicon Valley nerds have got it right because a carousel post of her and Lisa is the first to pop up on her feed.

Lisa grips her arm as she advances through photo after photo taken in front of the step-and-repeat. It's like she's reliving the night — seeing her and Lisa walk onto the carpet hand-in-hand, then posing side-by-side.

But the majority of the photos in this post — and in the rest of her mentions — show the two of them standing pressed up against one another. There are so many little details that Jennie hadn't noticed at that moment — like how much she tucked herself into Lisa's side, or how low Lisa's hand was resting on her hip, or how intimately she placed her fingers on the side of Lisa's neck.

"Wow," she breathes.

"I know. We look hot."

"Yes, that. And also like we're definitely fucking."

"Or like we're in love."

Jennie glances up to find Lisa watching her with a soft expression. Jennie smiles at her before her eyes drop to her mouth, following the movement of Lisa's tongue as she wets her lips.

She's about a half-second away from leaning in when she remembers where they are, and that any number of phones could be pointed at them right now. And while she mostly doesn't care, it'd be a shame to come all this way only to have their relationship outed on a blind item site.

(She doesn't even want to think about how Mino would react. It might just kill him.)

It takes practically all of her willpower to turn back to her phone. She expands the comment section, hoping they'll be a good distraction, and boy they do not disappoint.

*SCREAMS* these pics turned me gay #jenlsalives

wtf like they're both so hot individually but together they're exponentially hotter???!? like it's insane??? (also their hands omg. harold...)

and with a single pose #jenlisa decided to break the internet #blessed #jenlisaisreal #jennietops

oh wow um k. im definitely not having impure thoughts rn 👀 #lisatopsbtw #jenniewishes

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