Chapter 5

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The end of filming is drawing near and it's almost palpable among the cast and crew. Everyone is eager to go home to LA and reunite with their families.

Jennie's feeling torn about it all. She's a homebody through and through — a part of her can't wait to sleep in her own bed and get back to all her stuff.

Despite that, she knows she'll miss being on set. As skeptical as she was at first — when Mino was pushing it on her — she's taken a shine to this whole acting thing. It's challenging and invigorating and rewarding. She's actually pretty proud of herself.

And then there's Lisa.

They've been working together for a few months at this point, but Jennie's still endlessly impressed by her talent. She's learned so much from her. And, if she's being honest, she doesn't know if she could have done this without her.

Not the acting part or the being away from home or, well... any of it.

She'll miss that — she'll miss her — too.

(She'll probably miss her the most.)


They don't talk about it, but Jennie knows Lisa's affected by the looming wrap date as much as anyone.

She can feel it in Lisa's touch when they fool around. Her hands are a little more rushed and frantic as they rove across Jennie's body. Some nights it seems like she's everywhere at once, insistent and possessive, like she's claiming her.

And Jennie likes it. She tries to give Lisa what she wants; knows when to kiss her back harder and when to be pliable, to offer herself up completely.

It makes her feel crazy in the very best of ways. She doesn't think she's ever been wanted like this.

Sometimes she wants to ask Lisa what she's thinking.

Or to tell her that it's okay. That they're only going home and, maybe, it doesn't have to end.

But she doesn't want to lie to her and, deep down, she doesn't think either statement would be the truth.


They don't talk about the whole "date" thing either.

Jennie can't say she's not relieved.

Maybe Lisa was just being cutesy. Or it was just a slip of a tongue.

Yeah, that's probably it.

That has to be it.


Sentimentality doesn't come naturally to Jennie.

Like with most things, she blames her parents.

But she's always loved gift-giving — she's pretty damn good at it — so she volunteers to figure out the cast's wrap presents for the crew.

Lisa pokes fun at her when she stays up late researching non-lame gift ideas on her laptop ("And you had the gall to call me ridiculous for my Salem research...") but Jennie's undeterred.

After sifting through countless options, she finds just the thing — a private tour of the Sam Adams Brewery, complete with custom hoodies, pint glasses, and year-long subscriptions of seasonal brews. She works with the production team to end filming early one evening, as a surprise, and she'll never forget the looks on the crew members' faces when luxury buses pull up to whisk them away to party.

The experience puts her in a generous mood. One afternoon when she's bored — because she's done for the day but Lisa has more solo scenes to shoot — she decides to explore Newbury Street.

Love's a fragile little flame || Jenlisa AdaptionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora