Chapter 2: Clipped Wings

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The fight did not go well for me, and now I lay on the floor of the Nemesis leaking and broken.

But they were not done with me yet. Megatron was not done with me yet.

"Please...." I rasped weakly as I tried to push myself up from the pool of energon that had gathered underneath. Lugnut forced me back down with his heavy pede, pinning me in place and forcing a yelp of pain from my voicebox.

"What should we do with him now?" Starscream sneered. "Take him offline?"

"No, that would be too merciful." Megatron snarled. He knelt down and forced me to look at him by grabbing my neck cables and giving them a hard pull. "I believe it's time to see if a seeker can fly. Without. Their. Wings."

"NO PLEASE!" I begged pitifully. "PLEASE! PLEASE NO! NO! GAH!" My cries would go unheard as Megatron gripped my wings and ripped them clean off. I shrieked in agony as energon sprayed from my back in an arc of color, the metal of my now dismembered appendage clattering to the floor next to my body.

"Throw him and these off my ship." Megatron ordered Lugnut.

"Please...." I whispered weakly, the thudding of my spark slowing more and more as Lugnut picked up my frame and wings. He carried me to the edge of the shuttle bay that I had used to free the medic, and with one fell swoop, I was tossed out of the ship.

I plummeted to the ground far below, my optics flickering offline as my systems shut down. The air roared past my audials as the ground rapidly approached. I was doomed, or so I thought.

Suddenly, my frame and severed wings were encased in an electromagnetic field, stopping my rapid descent to the ground.

"I got ya, kid!" I heard the familiar voice of Ratchet call from below. I was far too weak to respond as he lowered me down with a gentle thud.

The medic wasn't alone, however.

"Ratchet, is this the Decepticon that freed you?" Another voice said. I cracked open my optics just enough to see a few other bots surrounding my frame, one I recognized as Ratchet and the other a towering mech with a navy blue paint job and a massive warhammer, the Magnus hammer to be exact.

"Yeah, that's Y/D." Ratchet said as he quickly went to my side and hooked up a diagnostic probe to me. "Dammit... sir, his spark is going to go out if we don't get him out of here."

"No..." I rasped as I shakily gripped the medic's arm. "Let... let me die..."

"I ain't in the business of killing kid. You of all bots should know that." Ratchet said. "Just relax, okay? I'm gonna put you in stasis and get you out of here."

I felt a slight shock, and my entire frame went limp as stasis took over. I could still hear everything that was happening, but I couldn't move anything or feel much.

"Sir, I have to strongly object to this!" A voice from what I assume was one of the other bots protested. "We don't know what this... this Decepticon is capable of!"

"Not much right now, Pharma." Ratchet huffed in annoyance. "He's barely able to stay online. We need to get him a medivac if we are to save his life."

"I shall call it in." Ultra Magnus said.

"Sir, this is insane!" The bot called Pharma continued to protest. "We shouldn't be helping him!"

"He saved my life Pharma," Ratchet snapped. "Now I'm going to save his!"


"That's enough Pharma." Ultra Magnus said. "He may information regarding Megatron's plans."

"What makes you think he'd talk?" Pharma asked. "These Decepticons are loyal to the core!"

"If that were true, I'd be dead." Ratchet growled. "Now please, I need some quiet in order to get him stable enough for transport."

I felt slight pricks of pain and heard the sound of a welder going, the crackling hiss it made seeming to act almost as a barrier of sound from the outside world. Bit as soon as it began, it ended, and I felt my frame get lifted up by 4 sets of servos and then get places on a cold flat surface. The cool metal beneath me was soothing, and I found myself slipping deeper and deeper into stasis, and I remembered nothing more.

"Cmon kid." I heard Ratchet's voice say from somewhere in the darkness of my stasis. "I know you can hear me."

"R.... Rat... Ratchet?" I croaked weakly, my optics coming online and slowly opening to a bright light.

"That's it, follow the light." He said, which wasn't exactly the best thing for someone to hear. I ended up jumping in surprise and accidently whacking the light away in a panic. "Hey! I needed that!"

"S-sorry." I groaned as my optics adjusted to the light, revealing that I was in a recovery bay hooked up to an energon line and sparkrate monitor. I felt pressure on my back and could feel that my once severed wings were now secured in place with thick bandaging, no doubt in an attempt to allow my internal repairs to do their work.

"It's alright, Y/D." Ratchet said. "Just glad you're functioning is all."

"What.... what happened?"

"We were about to ask you the same question." The voice of Ultra Magnus said, my gaze shifting over to him and my frame stiffening with anxiety. I eyed him suspiciously, unsure of what his motives were or why he was here.

"Puh, like you actually care." I grumbled in annoyance.

"Kid, don't be like that." Ratchet said.

"Look, no offense, but your Magnus here doesn't exactly have a good track record for mercy." I said as I shot the Magnus a glare.

"Neither does Megatron." Ultra Magnus said.

"You think I don't know that?" I laughed sarcastically. "He's the one who beat me to scrap and ripped my wings off." I paused and then let out a somewhat defeated sigh. "Look, I don't know what you want with me or why you saved me, but you should have left me to die out there. It would have given you one less Decepticon to worry about."

"And one less healer for either side." Ratchet said. "Wouldn't that have violated your own moral of not harming medics?"

"Hrmph." I huffed, not bothering to answer the question because I knew he was right.

"Y/D, I'm going to offer you a chance that I strongly urge you to take." Ultra Magnus said. "In exchange for your freedom and all charges dropped, we need you to tell us what you know of what Megatron plans to do with the Allspark."

"I.... I can't."

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