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Jude's POV:

I'd been told that Vini's parties were a forced to be reckoned with, and as I stepped through the doorway into the midst of the party, I realised that this was no joke. The atmosphere was electric and the mingling scent of perfume and alcohol filled the air. The house was pulsating with energy as bodies swayed to the thumping music and laughter echoed off the walls.

I scanned the crowd, searching for familiar faces amidst the strangers. Vini had told me that tonight was going to be a quiet affair; just our teammates and a few close friends. It was obvious now that he'd been downplaying just how many people were going to show up to his party.

It wasn't exactly a smart idea to be throwing a party in the middle of the season, but Vini had said that it was going to be a late welcoming for the players who had joined earlier in the summer. Since we'd been busy during pre-season, Vini had decided now was a good time to let loose before things got serious and we were fighting for trophies and titles.

Speaking of Vini, I soon spotted him on the far side of the room, trying to entertain a group of girls who did not seem impressed by his antics. The sight of Vini animatedly telling them a story whilst the girls wore expressions of mild disapproval couldn't help but elicit a chuckle from me. In the end, I had to go over and rescue him - the second hand embarrassment was getting too much to bear.

"Hey, Vini," I greeted.

"Jude, you made it!" Vini exclaimed, turning to face me. The minute he had his back to the girls, they took their chance and scarpered away.

"Yeah," I smiled back. "I–"

"Wait there, let me get you a drink." And just like that he was gone, disappearing into the crowd and leaving me stood alone once again.

I grinned and shook my head as I watched him go, then turned my head to survey the room. I recognised some of my teammates standing with their wives and girlfriends, and also a few new friends of mine, but the one person I'd been hoping to see wasn't here yet.

Vini eventually returned a few minutes later, handing me a red cup filled with some drink I wasn't familiar with. As I lifted the alcohol to my lips and let it slip down my throat, I couldn't help but scrunch my face up in disgust. "What the fuck is this?" I asked, disliking the taste that was lingering on my tongue.

Vini shrugged. "I don't know, Mia was making cocktails so I grabbed one for you," he explained before taking a sip of his own drink. He pulled a face. "Ugh...that is disgusting!"

"You're telling me." I took the cup from his hand and set it down next to mine on the table beside us. "I think Mia's trying to poison us."

Vini chuckled softly. "Wouldn't surprise me...I think she's still bitter you rejected her."

At the mention of her name, Mia emerged from the kitchen, accompanied by her tight-knit group of friends. I offered her a polite smile as our eyes met across the room, but in return, I was met with a sharp glare. She turned around and walked off in the opposite direction, her long, dark hair swishing as she went.

Beside me, Vini couldn't contain his amusement. "Definitely still bitter," he remarked with a knowing nod.

"Whatever," I said, rolling my eyes. Without another word, I headed straight for the kitchen, expecting Vini to be following behind me. Sure enough, a quick glance over my shoulder confirmed that he was still there, and I fetched us two beers from the fridge.

End Game | Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now