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Leah's POV:


The name I thought I'd left behind was currently the reason for my phone's insistent buzzing, disrupting the quiet of the room. With a heavy sigh, I swiped to dismiss the call, ignoring the temptation to answer it and see what my ex wanted.

From across the room, my best friend Talia looked up from her phone, eyeing me suspiciously. "Who was that?" She asked.

"Just some unknown number," I lied, not exactly wanting to admit that I was yet to block my cheating ex. Despite everything that had happened, there was still a part of me that missed him; a part of me that I was very ashamed of. I knew deep down that I was just making things harder for myself by not blocking him, but unfortunately it wasn't that easy for me to just move on and forget about him.

And besides, his texts were harmless enough. All he ever wanted was to talk. I ignored him, of course, and figured that soon enough he'd get the hint and just leave me alone.

Talia didn't seem convinced by my answer, but fortunately for me she didn't pry any further. She knew by now that discussing Nate was a sensitive subject, and I could never quite predict if I was going to get angry or start crying when he was brought up.

I wished that I could be angry all the time. Nathan was a piece of shit who'd treated me like crap in the end, but my memories of him weren't all bad. He didn't always used to be this toxic, controlling asshole, at one point he'd been sweet and charming and thoughtful. That was the Nathan I missed.

I glanced at Talia who was deeply engrossed in her phone, thumbs tapping away as she typed out a message. A smile lit up her face when she received a text back, and I instantly knew who she was talking to.

"How's Bukayo?" I asked her.

"He's okay," Talia replied, briefly looking up, "says he misses us, though."

"Aw, won't be long until you see him again. He is coming to Jamie's birthday party, right?"

"Mhm," Talia nodded, her attention already being grabbed by another text from Bukayo.

I chuckled, shaking my head at the situation. During Jamie's time at Arsenal, his teammate and close friend, Bukayo Saka, had developed a fondness for Talia. They'd grown incredibly close, and it was apparent to everyone around them that there was something more between them.

Everyone, that is, except Bukayo and Talia themselves.

Just then, Talia's brother Jamie came waltzing into the living room, decked out in his new Real Madrid training gear. He seemed agitated. "Talia, have you seen my football boots?" He asked.

"They should be on the shoe rack where all the other shoes are," she replied without looking up from her phone.

"No, not those ones, I'm talking about my new boots...the predators."

"Don't know, haven't seen them."

Jamie released a frustrated sigh. "Wow, some help you are." He turned to me. "Leah?"

"I'm pretty sure they're still in their box...since you won't let anyone so much as breathe near them," I said with a grin.

"I just don't want them to get ruined, Adidas gifted them to me."

"We know," Talia and I said in unison. Jamie had only boasted about it a million times.

"Maybe check your closet," I suggested, ignoring the annoyed glance he shot our way, "I'm pretty sure they're in there."

"Thanks Leah. I'm glad someone is willing to be helpful," Jamie retorted, scowling at his sister. Talia rolled her eyes, sticking her middle finger up at him before returning her attention to her phone.

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