"The man wearing the red bucket is Red Hood, or Jason Todd, second son of Batman, for those who don't know," Percy introduced. The DC people realized they were being introduced and those who had masks took them off. "The man in black spandex is Nightwing, or Richard Grayson, but he likes to be called Dick." A few people snickered. "He's the first son of Batman. Then, there's Red Robin wearing the red and black with the yellow emblem, or Tim Drake, the third son of Batman, and there's Robin with a similar suit but with green aspects, or Damian Al-Ghul Wayne, the fourth and only blood child of Batman. He might look young, but he was raised and trained by the League of Assassins, so I wouldn't piss him off."

How many children does Batman have?

Percy continued, "Then there's Diana Prince, or Wonder Woman," he gestured to the woman wearing metal clothing. Diana turned to the gods and bowed.

"Father," she addressed Zeus.

Hera looked at her husband accusingly. Zeus, for once, looked confused and held his hands up in defense. "I swear, my love, I have no recollection whatsoever of her as my child. Plus, she's from another Universe."

Hera turned to Percy. "Explain," she growled. "Or the gods will become king-less."

Percy snorted. "In Diana's universe, the gods are dead. She is an amazon who grew up on an island called Themyscira. She first left Themyscira during World War One, which in her universe, was caused by Ares. It turns out that DC Ares killed the rest of the gods, and so Diana killed Ares, but since she's an Amazon, she doesn't age like others, and is still young years later. Of course, whatever happened in that universe has no effect of what happens here," Percy explained. Gods can get killed? Since when?

Ares glared at Diana. After all, she had killed him.

Nico sniffed the air discreetly and glared at Jason. "You reek of death," he growled, reaching for his sword. Hades' eyes widened and he held a hand out for his son to back down.

Other Jason shrugged, unbothered by the hostility. "What can I say? Resurrection's a bitch." Wait. Resurrected?

"Language, Jay-bird," Dick covered his brother's mouth. "There's young children here," he added, gesturing to Damian, who pulled out a katana

"Lastly, the guy with gills is Kaldur'ahm, or aqualad. You can call him Kaldur. He's the protege of Aquaman and from the Atlantean royal guard. The guy in yellow is Kid Flash, or Wally West, the second-fastest man on his Earth, and the girl in green is Artemis, and her civilian name is Artemis Crock. And yes, she does specialize in archery and long-distance combat." The goddess Artemis eyed the superhero Artemis with pride. The DC people took their places standing off to the side with the Black Syndicate people. At this point, the room was getting pretty crowded.

"How many more are there?" Hermes asked, grinning.

"Just five," Percy said. So not that many people left, right? "Groups," he added. How many friends did he make?

Percy nodded to Triton, who pressed a button on Percy's hologram. A portal out of sand appeared. Out stepped four people. An African-American looking guy with a sick necklace, a boomerang, and a bent sword, a blond girl with highlights, a small amulet, and a white saff, an egyptian girl with a pixie cut, an amulet, and a brown staff, and lastly, another African-American dude with another amulet.

"Greeks and Romans, for the first time, you are meeting one of the many secrets the gods fought so hard to keep," Percy stated, holding his hands out wide proudly and staring Zeus straight in the eyes. Zeus looked like he wanted to commit murder. "It is my honor to introduce you to Carter Kane," he gestured to the guy with the boomerang, "His scarier sister Sadie Kane," he gestured to the girl with highlights, "Zia Rashid," he gestured to pixie cut girl, "and Walt Stone," he gestured to the last guy. "The Egyptians," Percy finished, watching as the room burst into commotion. Egyptians?

"Silence!" Triton yelled, slamming his Trident on the floor. The entire hall shut up immediately. "Continue, little brother," he nodded to Percy.

"Yes, the Egyptian gods are real, and these magicians from their pantheon have agreed to help us," Percy said.

"Magicians?" Nico asked, confused. "Are they not demigods like us?" A couple of the campers nodded in agreement.

"No, the Egyptian gods don't really do demigods," Walt said, looking at Nico. He tilted his head in recognition. Walt closed his eyes, and in a flash of light, a completely different guy was standing in his place. This dude was pale, and looked weirdly similar to Nico. "Instead, we choose some of the magicians to be our hosts. In other words, we possess them." Not-really-Nico bowed to real-Nico with respect. "Nice to finally meet the famed Ghost King," he started. "I'm Anubis. Better known as the Egyptian god of Death. Walt's my host." Sadie rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath. Carter heard whatever it was and snickered quietly.

"So, all of you get possessed by gods from time to time?" Lavinia, the Centurion of the fifth cohort asked, disbelief clear in her voice.

Carter nodded. In a flash of light, he was floating above the ground, embedded in a huge see-through chicken-man. "I'm the host of Horus, the warrior god, he introduced himself, before turning back to normal.

Sadie suddenly had white wings, and her eyes were glowing. "I host Isis, goddess of magic." She also turned back to normal.

And lastly, Zia started glowing. "I am the host of Ra, king of the gods and patron of the sun," she introduced herself.

"The rest of the nome will only arrive the day of the battle," Carter said, turning to Percy. "We cannot leave Brooklyn unguarded." Gnome? Huh?


1616 Words

I'm thinking of adding a couple chapters after the book technically ends where it's just small one shots in between chapters that I could write just for shits. Yes or No?

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