Chapter 10: Grunkle Stan

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Mabel's POV:The next morning I woke up at around 10 A.M. I walked to the mirror and saw that my eyes were still red and puffy. That's when I heard crying coming from downstairs. I quickly changed into my favorite sweater and skirt and ran downstairs to see Wendy sitting at the table. She was holding the house phone in one hand and her head in the other hand. "Ma'am? Are you still there?" I heard a voice come from the phone. She took her hand away from her face, and I noticed her face was covered with tears."Y-Yes. I'm still h-here." She stammered. "Wendy? What happened?" I whispered. She covered her mouth and started crying harder. "Ma'am? Please calm down. You need to listen. I know this is hard but..." I heard the voice say again as I walked away. I sat down on the couch and Waddles snuggled up against me.I pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry I've been ignoring you the last couple days Waddles. But something really bad happened." He squealed and I pulled him closed to my chest. "One day Dipper just left. No warning, no note, no nothing. Then we found out that Gideon had kidnapped him. Fortunately we found him, but he...he..." I trailed off reliving the horrifying nightmare. "He was all beat up. It didn't even look like Dipper. It was the worst experience I've ever had." A couple tears fell out of my eyes, and Waddles licked my face. I smiled a little and continued my story, "But you know what the worse part is?" I asked looking down at Waddles black eyes. "He did it for me. Now he's in a coma, and he might not wake up and it's all my fault." I said tears making their way down my cheek. Waddles whined and snuggled against me providing me with a little comfort. "Thanks buddy." I said through tears. He oinked something that sounded like Dipper and I broke down again, pulling Waddles closer to me. Stan's POV:"What do you mean he's-" Wendy cupped her hand over my mouth. "Shh! Mabel might hear you!" I removed her hand. "Well, she's going to have to find out sooner or later." I said. She looked down at the floor sadly, "I just can't believe he-" The door opened and Soos walked in. He had bags under his eyes and he looked tired. "Soos! Did you even go to sleep last night?!" Wendy asked him. "No. How can I sleep when my favorite little dudes in the hospital?!" He exclaimed. "I mean seriously the dudes gone through enough pain already, and now he's stuck in the hospital for who knows how long. And he's in a coma! Could it get any worse?" He asked. "Apparently it can." I mumbled.Wendy elbowed me in the ribs. I winced and grabbed my side. "What did you say?" Soos asked. Wendy sighed and said, "The hospital called this morning..." Soos looked at us questionably, "What'd they say?" Wendy and I looked at each other nervously. "Well?" Soos asked. Wendy sighed and whispered in his ear.I saw Soos' eyes widen. "Are-Are you serious? After everything he's been through?!" He exclaimed. "Does Mabel know yet?" He asked. "We're about to tell her now." I said. "We were hoping you'd help us break the news?" Wendy said in a question-y type of way. "Yeah dude. Of course I'll help."We walked to the door and slightly opened it. We were about to walk in when we heard Mabel talking. "Wait. Shh. It sounds like she's talking to someone." Wendy said. We all leaned closed into the room to hear what she was saying."...Now he's in a coma, and he might not wake up and it's all my fault." We heard her say followed by crying. We noticed she was holding Waddles who I'm assuming she was talking too. I quietly closed the door, and said, "We can't tell her now. I mean, look at her...she already thinks it's her fault. The best thing to do for her right now is let her be with her brother.""I don't know Mr. Pines." Soos said. "Isn't like seeing him all broken up like that bad for her?" I contemplated the idea for a mintute. "I guess your right Soos." I said after a while. "Maybe she just needs some comforting." Wendy suggested. "I agree...but I can't do it because the minute I see tears I'm going to cry too." Soos said. "Well, according to like everyone, I don't have a heart." I added."You two want me to do all the hard work?!" Wendy asked in disbelief. "You guys could at least help!" She exclaimed. "Alright! Alright! We'll help! Jeez!" I said. "Good. Now let's go." She said. We walked into the living room and saw Mabel cuddling Waddles and crying.My heart broke at the sight. She didn't deserve this. She was just a twelve year old girl. "Hey Mabel." I quietly said with a small smile. I sat down on the floor while Stan sat on the chair and Soos sat with Mabel on the sofa. Soos patted her shoulder with his hand trying to comfort her. After a while her sobs slowed down and she wiped away her tears. "Sorry." She sniffled as she looked up. I scooted up to the couch and put my hand on her leg."No, please, don't apologize. You don't need too." I said with tears forming in my eyes. "You never need to apologize for crying, especially not at a time like this. You know why?" She wiped a tear away, "Why?" She asked. "Because you have a good, solid reason too. Your brother just kind of gave up his life for you, and I know you don't like to hear that because you blame yourself, but it's true, and you know it. Speaking of please don't blame yourself anymore. Dipper gave himself so he could keep you safe and happy. I'm sure he wouldn't want to see you like this." I stared into her deep chocolate and realized just how much this was killing her."And just know that no matter what happens you'll always have us." Soos said extending his arms. "Well, you'll always have me at least. I don't know about them. I mean I know I'm not all that great, but if all goes downhill you can always come to me. Unless I'm like super busy or asleep or-" I cut Soos off, "What he means is..." I stopped talking when I saw Mabel look at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen. "No matter what happens, all of us will always be here. Whenever you want or need something or even if you just have a breakdown and want to talk at 3am. You can always call us or see us, and we'll be there."Mabel looked around at all of us with the same sad eyes. After a while I noticed a small smile was forming on her lips. "I love you guys." She said and pulled all three of us into a hug. I saw her smile fade for a moment and sadness flashed in her eyes once again. We released the hug and her smile and bright eyes returned.I frowned. Maybe words aren't enough to fix this kid... I thought...just wait until she hears what's coming her way

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