Chapter 8: The Doctor

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Doctor's POV:The day started out as it usually does. Patients coming in and out for check ups, I performed a surgery, and a blood transplant; and that's when it happened.I was just about to leave when a little girl came running in, screaming for help. At first I thought she was hurt since it looked like she was bleeding, but then I heard her scream something about her brother. That's when I noticed she was carrying a limp body. "Oh crap!" I yelled internally. I called for some more doctors while I ran to get a stretcher.They brought the boy and laid him on the stretcher, only then did I realize just how bad he was. "Dear god! What happened to him?!" I yelled. We started to roll him into a room. "He's not breathing!" Said a female doctor. I looked down at his beaten up chest, and noticed that she was right. "This has got to be one of the worst injuries on a boy that we've ever seen!" Said another doctor. "The oxygen mask! Hurry! Put it on him!" I yelled.*Please! Save my brother!" I heard the girl yell as I closed the door. I ran over to the boy and started barking orders, "First things first, he needs blood, and lots of it. We need to hurry or we'll lose him!" "Does anyone know his name?" A doctor asked. We started searching in his pockets for a form of identification. "Here! Look! I think it's a school I.D. It says his name is Mason Pines!" One of my fellow doctor friends, Jason said. "Kristen!" I yelled, "Look up his name, and figure out his blood type! We need to start closing these cuts!" About a minute later I heard Kristen yell, "He's O Positive!""Ok. Alex, you go get a couple bags of O Positive, and Kristen come take his position and treat those cuts." I saw them switch places when I heard a doctor named Joe ask, "Is there any story on him yet?" I sighed and said, "No not yet, but hopefully soon." I saw Alex run back in the room, "I grabbed about four quarts." "Ok start injecting him with that. Linda, T.J. grab a quart and help him."We had closed the deep cuts on his chest, arms, legs, and cheek. "We gave him all the blood. Now what do you want us to do?" T.J. said. "He's starting to regain color." I said. "Put a gauze on any small cut and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. There's small cuts everywhere, but most of them aren't bleeding. I think there was some on his feet you might want to check out.""Can we start cleaning him up?" Kristen asked. I noticed he had lots of dried up blood on him. "Yea, you and Thurop can start on that." They grabbed a couple rags and wet them, starting on their job. "Joe, Jason." I said. "Yes?" They asked. "We're going to start putting that Neosporin type stuff on all of the cuts so they don't get infected." I handed them a handful of cotton swabs and we started covering the cuts. "Should we wrap an adhesive bandage over his forearm and leg to cover up those long cuts?" Jason asked. "Now that you mention it, yes, that'd be a very good idea."After all of the bleeding was stopped and his forearm and leg was wrapped up, we had to flip him over, and examine his back. "Let's flip him on his side. That way the oxygen mask won't interfere with anything." Joe suggested. "Ok. T.J., Linda, and Thurop, you three will hold him so he stays on his side. Make sure the oxygen mask stays on him. Jason, Joe, Kristen, and I will clean up his back. On the count of three. One, two, three." I said and we flipped him on his left side. When we flipped him over we noticed his back was the worst part of his body. "Since nothing is bleeding let's start by cleaning him up." I said. We each grabbed wet washcloths and cleaned up all of the dry blood. "Alright start putting that Neosporin stuff on him." I said. We were almost done when Kristen said, "Uh, doctor, I think his arm is broken.""What?" I asked as I walked to his arm. I noticed that it did look out of place. "Ok people. Looks like we're taking a trip to the closest X-Ray." We changed him into a hospital gown and took him upstairs to an X-Ray. "Thurop and Linda, you two take him in there and cover him up. We'll stay out here and see the results." I said. Linda and Thurop took him into the room and started the X-Ray. They had decided to do a full body X-Ray, and we found that his arm and his ankle were broken.Kristen stuck her head in the room, "Alright. Take him out. He's got to get two surgeries done." "Ok. We'll wheel him out." Thurop said. As soon as they got him out we wheeled him upstairs and started the surgeries on his arm and ankle. I lost track of how much time it took at around a hour.After the surgeries we had a brace on his ankle and a cast on his arm. I took him to the fourth floor where his room was.After about a hour I was in the room checking on him. Then I heard footsteps. A nurse had walked in. She put her hand on my shoulder, "You need to tell the family." She said. "I know." I sighed. "It's just that these things are hard y'know?" She smiled sadly and said, "I understand." Then left the room. I sighed and said, "Help me out kid." He didn't move. I sighed again and left the room.I walked to the waiting room with sad eyes and saw four sleeping figures. They looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake them, but I knew I had to deliver the news. I put on a serious face and cleared my throat, "Pines family?" They all jolted awake, and shook their heads yes. "I'm afraid I have some bad news..."

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