Chapter 9: The Coma

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Mabel's POV:"I'm afraid I have some bad news..."We all froze at that sentence. "Wh-What happened?" Stan asked. "He's all fixed up, but he...he..." The doctor trailed off. "He what?!" Wendy and Soos asked at the same time. "He fell into a coma." "What do you mean?" I asked in disbelief, "I...I...can I see him?" He smiled sadly and nodded his head.Wendy, Stan, Soos, and I proceeded to stand up when the doctor stopped us, "Wait. Only one of you can go in at a time." "Please let us go! He's our best friend!" Soos pleaded. The doctor looked back and forth between the four of us, sighed and mumbled, "Take as long as you need." Then walked off.We walked to the desk and Wendy asked the lady which room Dipper was in. "Dipper? I don't see a Dipper." She responded slowly as she scrolled down the screen. "She means Mason." I said quickly. "Oh Mason! He's in room 434." "Thank you." I responded.We walked into the elevator and I clicked the number four. "Aw, dude, I wanted to click it." Soos said pouting. I laughed lightly and said, "Next time Soos.""So Mabel, what was up with the whole Mason thing?" Wendy asked. "Mason is Dipper's real name." I responded. "Oh. I knew his real name wasn't Dipper." Wendy said. The elevator made a ding noise, signaling that we were on the fourth floor. We walked down the hall and stopped in front of room 434. "Are you ready kid?" Stan asked me putting his hand on the door knob. I grabbed his hand. At first he looked surprised, but then his expression softened. Beside me I felt Soos grab my other hand. I looked up at him and he said, "Are you sure you want to go in there? It might not be pretty." I thought for a moment, smiled and said, "He's my brother. I'm going in." Soos nodded his head and stuck out his other hand which Wendy took.Stan turned the knob and we all walked in. As soon as I saw my brother I gasped and tears came to my eyes. He had a cast on his arm, a cast on his ankle, an adhesive bandage around his other forearm, a deep cut on his cheek, a black eye, and an adhesive bandage wrapped around his chest and back. Not to mention all the other cuts, bruises, whip marks, and burns covering his skin. Plus he was hooked up to all sort of machines. I didn't even know what half of them did!I let go of Stan and Soos' hands and walked to his bedside. "Dipper?" I whispered. He didn't answer. Tears started pouring out of my eyes. I heard sniffling behind me, and noticed that Stan, Soos, and Wendy were also crying. "C-Can I have a few minutes alone with him?" I asked."Y-yeah. Guys?" Wendy said wiping her cheeks. "Yeah. C'mon Soos." Grunkle Stan said trying to hide his tears. Soos who made no attempt to try and hide the fact that he was crying followed them out of theroom.I sighed and looked back at my brother. "Oh, Dipper...why?" I asked quietly. I grabbed his hand. "Can I tell you something Dipper?"I asked looking at him. Tears came out of my eyes. I felt like I was talking to an empty shell. "You've always been there for me. Through thick and thin. Ever since birth. That's why you have to wake up. Because I need you. Without you I-" I stopped as another tear fell out my eye, "without you I probably wouldn't even be alive. You've always protected me. Ever since we got here we've been in at least twenty near death experiences, and in each one of them, you've helped me. And each time you helped me, you almost died." I started sobbing, "But then you go on with your life like nothing even happened, and Dipper I can't even sleep! I'm so scared I'm going to lose you! That's why you can't die! You just can't! I know I don't say it often, but I need you! And I love you! Please don't leave me! We're twins! I need you! Please hold on!" I sobbed even harder and squeezed his hand.After about ten minutes of crying the doctor came in. "Um, I'm sorry to interrupt, but we've already extended our visiting hours, so you have to go now. I nodded my head and he left the room. I moved Dipper's bangs and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight Dippingsauce. I'll be back tomorrow. I love you." I let go of his hand and walked out the room.I looked at Soos, Wendy, and Stan with red, puffy eyes. "C'mon Mabel." Wendy said extending her hand. I took it, and all three of us went back to the Mystery Shack, unaware of what terrible news was coming our way...

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