Its not even a ball until it ends badly

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It had been so nice. We were dancing. Together. Just me and the prince, gliding around the room - elegant as always. Separately, we looked lost, but together, we looked like a match made in heaven. At least, that’s what I hoped.

We were the centrepiece of the room, the glistening gold throwing light at us while we danced. I wished I could have kept that moment forever, both of us looking perfect, the ballroom decorated beautifully for the occasion. The room was filled with white and gold, corners adorned with royal blue; something I had no doubt Arne had played a part in choosing.

It had been lovely, until it wasn’t. Until the doors burst open and someone darted through the crowd. He made a bee line to the Prince, clearly here to deliver a message of some sorts. I watched the emotions flicked over the prince’s face, surprise, shock, sadness.

He left the ball without a backwards glance, leaving me behind without a clue as to what had just happened. My eyes searched the room, everyone was to enraptured with dancing and drinking to realise if I slipped out.

My heels echoed in the deserted corridors, as I rushed towards where the prince must have gone. He would surely just be in his room. There was nowhere else he would go.

I slowed as I reached his door, not wanting it to seem like I was following him. Even though that’s exactly what I just did. Standing outside the door, I heard muffled sounds from inside. He must have been talking to himself. I just stood there, frozen trying to figure out what he was doing.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

He was crying.

Not talking to himself, or whispering.


What could have possibly done this to him? I gently knocked the door, afraid to find out what had happened.

Footsteps slowly shuffled towards me from inside the room, and the door shifted inwards, revealing the prince.

His eyes were puffy and his hair was in a disarray. His suit jacket had since been discarded and his shirt was stained with tears. He moved aside without a single word, gesturing for me to enter.

He led me to the couch, my heart racing - what could have possibly happened?

He curled up in the corner of the closest one, enveloping himself in a throw as he sat. The Prince looked distraught. He looked shattered. He looked broken.

I sat on the same sofa as him, anxiously waiting for him to say something. After a while, he looked up at me and muttered.

“My Palace was attacked ”  he looked at his lap, clearly not explaining the full situation.,“My sister was taken as hostage.”


24 Hours With a Princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن