What can I say? Tattoos are hot.

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“In LOVE?” Arne practically screamed back at me.

“Yeah.. ” I replied, looking down; my cheeks adorning a pink tinge for the occasion.

“Finally, your oblivious ass has realised ”he said with an eye roll. I looked up and he continued “Everyone could tell you had feelings for each other, most times you were in a room together, someone could practically cut the tension with a knife.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, letting me know that I was the last to realise what feelings I might be harbouring for the prince.

“When did you realise?” he asked, seemingly done with telling me I’m dumb.

“That I liked him? I knew for sure today, but before that I was just confused.”

“Why?” He resumed his questioning, I felt like I was being interviewed, “What happened today?”

If I wasn’t blushing before, I sure was now. If anything, I was probably scarlet. “I uh.. I kinda walked in on him. When he was shirtless. In a towel”. I smacked myself in the face with a throw pillow, and held it there, desperate to avoid the embarrassment.

Through the pillow, I heard Arne start to chuckle. His chuckle soon turned into howling-like-a-wolf-struggling-for-breath-laughter. I was almost sure I’d never heard him laugh that much.

“Shut upppp” I groaned, my voice muffled by the pillow, but my annoyance still evident. “How old are you, two???”

He stopped laughing momentarily, to make a joke “Only off by a few years” He wheezed, before going back to howling with laughter.

It took Arne ten minutes to coax the pillow off my face, but he only got it away in the end because he dived at me (Total bastard I know ). He looked me in the eyes as if trying to see if I was telling the truth, “Really? You just barged into his room accidentally, while he was half-dressed, accidentally?? Like by accident?”

I smacked him with my pillow for suggesting that I’d do it on purpose, as if it wasn’t already awkward enough without him insinuating stuff. Like seriously. Such a child.

He calmed down and took my hands between his to comfort me. “Di, its okay; you’ll get through this - no matter how embarrassing you think this is, you’ll be okay. Anyway, for all you know he could be panicking right know because he likes you. You never know.” He said the last bit with a smile, clearly back to joking already but his support was nice all the same. “Now, you better start getting ready, you want to impress your prince in shining armour don’t you?” he told me, while shoving me towards the door, clearly done with my trauma-dumping. “Byeeeee” he half screamed, before he slammed the door behind me and left me contemplating trusting him at all.

I returned to my room, mind set on looking presentable for the ball I had spent so much time planning; no matter what had happened today.

The dress I was planning on wearing was midnight blue with flecks of gold. The top half was a porcelain corset in the colour while the bottom half was layers upon layers of light, airy fabric in the same shade of deep blue. It contrasted perfectly with my auburn hair that I had done up in a gold clip to match the occasion. It was a perfect outfit that had taken months to acquire. I loved it. A little part of me hoped the prince would love it too.

I imagined dancing with him, his hands on my hips; mine on his neck. I imagined him spinning me in circles, his breath dancing on my neck. I imagined taking him back to my rooms, his breath trailing down to my collarbone, and him taking off this dress I adored nearly as much as him.

No. Diera you cant do that. You need to be focused. Get your ass ready for the ball. I spent countless minutes getting ready, one thing on my mind.

The tattoo spanning the bottom of his stomach. Fucking hot.

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