There's No Going Back

Start from the beginning

"Fuck off you little shit!" Duncan advanced in him and punched him in the face, Jace advanced and punched him a few times as well, but Aemond managed to kick Jace in his chest. Ducan and Luke advanced on him as well and Aemond elbowed Duncan in his face snd punched Luke on his nose, both boys were on the floor, Aemond was showing why he is the son of Taeron Targaryen.

Duncan swept Aemonds legs and he fell down. Duncan, Jace, Baela and Rhaena attacked Aemond while he was on the ground but eventually Aemond recovered and got them off him. Luke then tried to attack but Aemond choked him and picked up a rock, and before Duncan could attack Aemond lifted the rock at Luke, and Duncan stopped.

"You will die screaming in flames just as your father did, bastards." Aemond spat remembering what his mother said.

"How dare you my father's still alive." Luke said. Luke did not know the truth of his birth.

"He doesn't know do he, Lord Strong?" Aemond asked Jace.

Jace took unsheathed a blade and proceeded to attack and Aemond easily dodged it and hit Jace with the rock. He had also hit Duncan, he then raised his hand as if to hit them some more and Baela and Rhaena gave him a pleading look.

Duncan saw Luke pick up a blade, Duncan then threw sand in Aemonds face, and Luke sliced up Aemonds left eye.

Aemond was screaming in pain and held his eye as blood poured from it.

"Cease this at once!" Lord commander Harrold and ser Criston had arrived. "Get away!"

"Gods be good." Harrold said as he saw that Aemonds eye was cut out. How would this be explained to the Prince Taeron Targaryen.

Taeron and Alicents chambers

Taeron and Alicent were naked in bed, they were spent from making love.

Alicent looked at her husband with concern. "What troubles you my love?"

"Vaegon and Rhaenyra, I've given them both one last chance, and I truly hope that they would try." He said. "Rhaenyras infatuation with me has not ceased."

"I believe that Rhaenyra may need some help in letting you go." She told her husband as she interlocked her fingers with his.

"I worry sometimes that Vaegon could corrupt her, just as he did with Rhea and Laena." Taeron said he then looked at her stomach and Alicent noticed his smile.

"I've missed that." She said.

"Missed what?" He asked.

"Your smile." She said.

"I want another girl." Taeron said.

"I don't think we can decide that." Alicent chuckled.

Taeron then went down to her stomach. "Please be a girl." He whispered and Alicent giggled.

"Well if we are blessed with another girl, I already have a name for her." Alicent said.

"Tell me." Taeron urged.

"Aemma." Alicent said.

"Aemma. She shall be named Aemma." Taeron smiled.

"Aegon seems quite taken with Vaela." Alicent said.

"They're young, perhaps when Vaela matures, she will feel the same way." Taeron said.

"It will take time, I'm sure, just as it took time for you to love me." She reminded him, Taeron smiled and they kissed for a few seconds but were interrupted by a knock on the door. "What is it?" He asked.

"Forgive me my prince there's been a fight between the royal children, everyone is gathered in the hall of nine." Ser Erryk said through the door.

"For fuck sake, which flame to I have to put out now." He looked at Alicent. "You should stay in bed."

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