Shadows in the Ring

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 Chapter 37: Shadows in the Ring

There's something about the rhythm of a fight that's almost like a dance, a push and pull that gets the blood pumping and the adrenaline soaring. Now, I'm no stranger to a scuffle; my days in the ring taught me enough about throwing punches and dodging hits. But since becoming a guardian of Eldridge's ley line, my battles had mostly shifted from physical to the supernatural. That is, until one particular evening brought the two worlds crashing together in a way I hadn't expected.

We were at "The Eldridge Tap," a local haunt that served as our occasional decompression zone after a long day of ley line research and spectral shenanigans. The place had character, and by character, I mean it was the kind of dive where the barstools had seen better days, and the jukebox played tunes from a decade best left forgotten. But it was our kind of place.

Lucas was in the middle of regaling us with one of his theories about the ley line's influence on local folklore when he was abruptly cut off by a loud, obnoxious laugh. We turned to see a group of guys by the pool table, one of whom was clearly enjoying the attention he was garnering by being louder than necessary.

I tried to brush it off, turning back to our conversation, but the guy, a burly specimen who clearly thought too highly of himself, had other ideas. Maybe it was the way Lucas's enthusiasm didn't fit the usual barroom banter, or perhaps he just didn't like our faces, but Mr. Macho decided we were his next target.

"Hey, look at the brainiacs," he jeered, swaggering over with his chest puffed out. "This ain't no library. Maybe you'd like a real Eldridge welcome, huh?"

Karma rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed. Lucas, however, looked like he wanted to sink into the floor.

Before I could diffuse the situation with a witty retort, Mr. Macho decided to get physical, shoving me in the chest with a meaty hand. Now, I'm all for talking things out, but I'll admit, my days in the ring left me with a certain... instinctual response to being pushed.

In a flash, I had him in a hold that would make any boxer proud, my fist cocked back. "Listen, buddy," I said, my voice low and steady, "you're about three seconds from finding out why that's a bad idea."

The bar had gone silent, all eyes on us. Mr. Macho's friends looked ready to jump in, but a look from Karma, who was calmly sipping her drink with an expression that said she was two seconds from joining the fray herself, made them reconsider.

Mr. Macho, realizing he'd bitten off more than he could chew, backed down, muttering something about just having a laugh. I let him go, straightening my jacket as if nothing had happened, but the adrenaline was still there, a reminder of the rush of a fight.

Lucas let out a breath he'd been holding. "Joker, that was... wow."

Karma just shook her head, though I caught the hint of a smirk. "Let's just finish our drinks and head out. We've got more important things to focus on."

As we left "The Eldridge Tap" behind, I couldn't help but reflect on the encounter. The physical fight might have been over, but our real battle—the one against the shadows that threatened Eldridge—was still ahead. And it was a fight we couldn't afford to lose.

The incident at the bar was a stark reminder that threats could come from anywhere, not just the supernatural. It underscored the need to stay vigilant, to protect not just the ley line but each other. Because in this fight, our unity was our strength.

"Next time, we stick to strategy meetings at Karma's place," I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Karma laughed, the tension from the bar dissipating into the night. "Agreed. Less chance of bar brawls and more focus on the ley line."

Lucas nodded, the excitement of the night's events giving way to the sobering reality of our mission. "We've got a long road ahead," he said, a determined glint in his eye.

And he was right. The shadows we fought weren't always going to be as tangible as an overzealous bar patron, but whatever form they took, we'd face them head-on, as guardians, as friends.

Because when it comes down to it, whether in the ring or in the shadows, we're fighters. And we don't back down. Not now, not ever.

Karma&Joker:Finding the truthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz