It's a small shopping street — like Manhattan's 5th Ave., except narrow and quaint — a quick walk from their brownstone. The first few blocks are filled with high-end brands, from Valentino to Cartier, but she ignores those in favor of local shops. She goes a little nuts in Johnny Cupcakes, an apparel brand fashioned as a bakery, buying zany t-shirts for Mino and a few others on her team.

Jennie's getting kind of tired when Lisa texts that she'll be home soon, so she starts making her way back. She's about to turn off Newbury and cut down a side street when she spots an understated jewelry store she didn't notice before.

It's quiet inside, with no other customers, and she takes her time peeking in the cases. The pieces are tiny and delicate, with intricate details, and she's instantly drawn in.

Maybe she'll get a present for herself, she thinks. A little something to remember this trip by.

That would be nice.

But then her eyes land on a piece that is absolutely perfect — just not for her.

She waves at the shopkeeper to get her attention. The woman's eyes widen as she realizes that Jennie Kim is in her store, but she schools her features back into place as she approaches.

"Excuse me," Jennie says. She smiles to help put the woman at ease. "Is it possible to have this engraved?"


The last few days of filming pass in a blur.

They're up against the clock so it's busy and hectic as they rush to get every last shot in the proverbial can. The paparazzi have slithered back to whence they came, but Jennie and Lisa's schedules are so packed they can't even enjoy being left in peace.

(And on the rare occasion that they actually have a decent amount of time to duck into someone's trailer, they're so tired that they've gone back to napping.)

Then one day, just like that, the director calls "cut!" for the very last time.

Jennie feels a whirlwind of emotions as the entirety of the cast and crew breaks out into raucous applause. She's exhilarated and relieved and filled with an overwhelming sense of comradery for those around her.

But when she looks over at Lisa — who's beaming and misty-eyed, turning in a slow circle as she claps and cheers for the crew — Jennie gets a lump in her throat.

She isn't entirely sure why.


Tonight is Jennie's first wrap party. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't excited.

She gets ready in her room. It's a relatively formal affair at a rooftop bar in the Seaport, so she decides to go all out. She slips on a little black dress and her highest fuck-me pumps. She even takes the time to style her hair in loose curls, which she sweeps over one shoulder.

After doing her makeup and fixing her winged eyeliner for the third time, she appraises herself in the mirror. And yeah.

She looks fucking hot.

Needless to say, Jennie's feeling herself as she strides upstairs to Lisa's apartment.

She doesn't bother to knock before walking inside. They're long past knocking at this point; long past locking their doors, even, except at night.

The open kitchen and living room are empty so she calls out to let Lisa know she's here. She walks to the fridge, takes out the bottle of Moët they've been saving for tonight, and pours two glasses.

She's holding the stem of her glass and swirling the wine, trying to look for the "legs" or whatever (she should really pay more attention to sommeliers), when she hears the approaching click of Lisa's heels on the hardwood.

Love's a fragile little flame || Jenlisa AdaptionWhere stories live. Discover now