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Auntie Jane has stated we are going back to the earth realm. I haven't been there since I was a baby. It's where my mother used to stay.

I have no memories of them since I was a baby. When Aunt Jane had to run away with me.

I'm currently packing my bags. Aunt Jane is getting older. She still has a few hundred years I'm sure.

We are in the Fay realm. It works differently here. Especially with time. I should be to eighteen in the earth realm. But here I am twenty-five. I stopped aging at least for now.

Auntie stated I actually aged faster then anticipated. Which means my powers are strong.

But as she has gotten wind about something on earth has happened, which she refuses to me. I can't help but roll my eyes.

I want to know if this has anything to do with mom? What about dad? Do I dear look at them as such?

I was raised with an amazing Aunt. She tried telling me, how I shouldn't be bitter. I can't help it.

From time to time I read the note my mother left behind.

It reads as follows:

   Dear Ares,

If you are reading this. You must be close to grown. How I wished I could see you once more.
I'm never to far away from your heart. Just remember love. Love will somehow bring us out of the darkness. Even if we are trapped inside.
I send you with my Aunt Jane, for I have no clue how long I will be gone for.
Maybe it will be only my mind that is gone. Maybe one day I will get to see you. See who you are mates with.
Even though I can't help you grow. Just know I love you. I love all of you.
Once you see your sister. Let her know this as well. Selene is your sister's name.
Love, your mom and Luna.

I couldn't decide on what my heart wanted. A part wanted to know who they were. Yet, another part was happy. Auntie was the best. She may not be my biological mother. And I may not call her mom. But deep down that was how I saw her.

It's like she adopted me. What more can I say?

"Young man, don't keep a woman waiting you hear me?" She ask while barging through the door.

I can't help but giggle. This woman brings me joy. She was truly a mother figure who currently is like a best friend.

"Sorry, auntie but I was lost in my thoughts," I say.

"If this is about the move or your parents than don't worry. Everything will work out. Who knows maybe you will find a lover. Or even a mate," she replies back.

"No mates. I can't handle being tied down," I say.

In response she just rolls her eyes. We had been over this before.

She believes I will have a mate. Considering my mother is an Alpha female and Luna all in one. My dad however is vampire. My mother had three species I guess. She was born to a mother who was half fay and half vampire but a father who was a wolf.

Dna has played a huge role in all this mess I guess.

My sister is someone I have yet to meet. She's supposedly my twin.

I'm unsure of how I feel. It's a lot to take in.

"Boy if you don't hurry up! We are gonna be late. And you know how much I don't like to be late," says Aunt Jane.

I can't help but let an eye roll slip up. Next thing I know she hits me up side the head with what some would call a newspaper. However, our news paper here is written on rolled up leafs and wrapped in vine.

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