Felix looked at Ethan who was frowning then he looked at The maids.

"He's the prince, Ethan De Alger Obelia?" Lily finally asked as Felix nodded his head and at that the Maids went silent, so the Emperor having first born son was true.

Felix looked at Ethan who was glaring at the maids coldly, seemingly not like the attention he was receiving so Felix smiled and stepped up.

"Oh also, His majesty will see the princess from now one." The words Felix said were like thunder hitting Athanasia as her breath hitched.

"We'll be leaving now." Felix said as Ethan looked up to Felix and then looked away, he felt kind of grateful for Felix now, Athanasia on the other hand sneaked a glance towards His big brother...he was indeed so adorable but she needed to worry about Claude!..

Felix and Ethan left as they started heading towards where Ethan lived...Well Ethan couldn't even call that palace home, he was just living there because he didn't have any other choice.

Ethan was silent all the way back to the palace, not like he knew what to talk about with Felix. He wasn't that close to Felix to start chit-chatting.

They finally got to the palace as Felix looked at the shabby palace... Don't the maids take care of this palace? it looked really so shabby as if they didn't care about this palace at all.

Where Athanasia lived in seemed hundred times better yet Ethan was the first born Prince and seemingly to be in a bad situation.

Ethan looked at Felix Coldly suddenly as he pushed Felix away immediately with a frown...it was as if He was in a rush.

"Go away. Go away right now." Ethan whispered as he turned around immediately and ran towards the door to go in, Before he would go in he threw a glare towards Felix as if it was a warning for Felix to leave.

"I-" Felix wanted to say something but Ethan put his finger on his own lip in a gesture to make Felix shut up and then went inside the palace and closed the door, not letting Felix finish his sentence.

Felix had a bad feeling but he didn't want to dig in further and make the young prince upset, though he'll inform this to his majesty.

The moment Ethan went inside he let out a sigh. Turning his head around he saw the head maid running towards him...well not due to the worrisome feeling but due to the anger.

"You sneaked out again?!" The Head maids glared at Ethan. Ethan looked at The maid emotionlessly, she got even angrier at the audacity of this brat, She dared glare at her?!

She grabbed Ethan's hand and started Dragging him towards Ethan's own room, she would teach him a lesson for that insolent behavior!

The moment they got inside The maid pushed him in, Ethan fell down on the ground as he slightly grunted. Talk about respect, he didn't even feel like a prince, No honorifics, No respect, he felt more like a beggar trying to survive.

"Just who do you think you are?!" The maid glared at Ethan as she walked past Ethan and suddenly grabbed a whip that was there, she then formed a smile on her lips as she went up to Ethan whose breath hitched.

"I'll teach you a lesson!" She raised his hand up and.


Ethan's breath became heavy as his legs flinched. Ethan clenched his fists as his legs immediately became red, It was painful he will admit it. But this could even compare to what Ethan had gone through in his past life or just in this life too in general, still It was painful and Ethan hated pain the most.

"Ugh..." Ethan shut his eyes tightly as his body started to tremble a bit, he could hear his own heartbeat, his heart felt like it would jump out from his chest or just straight up explode.

He wanted to calm his breath down or even cry but he suppressed himself not to. The maid got angrier that every time she hit Ethan he wouldn't cry, it was so frustrating!

"Take that!" Her hits became even stronger and painful as Ethan hissed at the pain.



The hitting force was becoming even stronger and stronger as his legs were starting to bleed, his tiny body was trembling all over as he was sweating like crazy...

"Agh...Ugh..." He lowered his head as his breath hitched even further, thank the goddess that he was wearing pants and not shorts... otherwise others would notice his scars on his legs.

The hits were really painful, no kid would be able to bear that immense pain at the age of Six.

'I guess I'm not a kid.' Ethan thought to himself as he just stayed still, After the head maid was done with him she turned around and left, leaving Ethan there with his legs bleeding and trembling in pain.

'Agh, what an Asshole.' Ethan grumbles inside his head as he slowly got up with his legs shaking, Ethan wobbled slightly and clenched his fists tightly. Even if he can bear with it the body he's in is still a child's body and the body can't really take that much pain every time...

Though it's better than the first time, he panicked the first time he got punished like this because he couldn't get up for a whole month properly and he had severe fevers.

He was just laying down on the bed for the whole month, sobbing in his sleep and crying all day, he didn't has appetite at all...nor did he had any strength to eat anything.

Why was world being so unfair to him? If he could he would wish that he was never reborn. He would have been happier after death for god knows where he would go.

Ethan sat down on his bed as he started to clean the blood out of his legs, he needed to take care of the wounds or else it'd get worse and Ethan hated Pain more than anything as he said.

He hated the thought of getting used to it and not feeling pain, he hated that thought...He hates not feeling pain, not feeling anything.

Was he even a human? He wasn't crying at this moment, he wasn't feeling sad...What was he supposed to feel? He's supposed to cry right? Was he even a human?

Did he has any feelings left..? Does he deserve to be called human at all, it felt like life was just pulling jokes on him.

Ethan shook his head from left to right to shake off the thoughts in his mind,No he's a Human...with feelings too. He's a human too, like any other kid he can cry, like any other kid he can feel happiness, like any kid he can get angry.

Ethan bit his lower lip to suppress tears that were slowly start to stream up in his eyes, He shouldn't cry, if He will cry at a situation like this what will he do In more tough situation? Sit down and cry like a crybaby?

Ethan finished cleaning his wound and now he started to bandage it up with his hands trembling, as he was bandaging it up suddenly one tear fell down on his leg as he looked at the tear in surprise.

He was crying over something like this? Ethan wiped his tears away immediately, why was he crying? He hasn't cried for a decade...Was it because he just met Caude? Why though, He didn't have any feelings for Caude, He didn't take Claude as his father...So why.

'Get over it, Stop crying for god's sake.' Ethan thought with a pained expression, his heart was aching...He wanted to rip his heart out to stop this pain in his heart.

After he was finished with all this he laid down on the bed with an exhausted look.

Today was really tough, he didn't imagine meeting with Claude, He did get emotional over something like this but somewhat he felt like he could relax for a while.

Now the story would follow the original Plot, Claude will frequently meet Athanasia and then they would maybe start getting close and Ethan wouldn't need to meet them anymore.

Or that's what He thought... the moment he closed his eyes he fell asleep not knowing that what Felix said to Athanasia was also directed to Ethan himself too but Ethan didn't let him say this to Him.

...Well he'll find out that tomorrow.

_________ TO BE CONTINUED _______

Who made me a prince (wmmap x male oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon