Powers, Abilities, Belongings and Weaknesses

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- Artemis' mind control distort the victim's iris coloration, causing them to shine a dark pinkish color. His mind control also allows him to control other people's actions.

- Dream Manipulation: Artemis can use his telepathy to enter and control dreams and the subconscious

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- Dream Manipulation: Artemis can use his telepathy to enter and control dreams and the subconscious. He can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming. Other effects of this ability is the distortion of reality and trapping people in their dreams.

Memory Manipulation: Artemis has displayed the ability to peruse into the deepest depths of another's mind and manipulate the memories of other individuals. He once threatened Stefan by telling him that he could make him believe he was a six-year-old girl. He can also erase, restore, or even implant false memories into a person's mind.

- Amnesia Inducement: Artemis has the ability to cause loss of particular memories and amnesia in another person of group of people.

Pathokinesis: Artemis possesses the ability to sense the emotions of others and alter them according to his will. With it, Artemis can resolve a tense situation peacefully or, make people coexist more easily. Artemis can also enlighten someone's mood; he describes it as a subtle ability, and is very useful in resolving conflicts. Artemis can also manipulate the level of intensity that people feel emotions, as shown when he calmed Jeremy so much that he fell asleep. He can also sense hostility and use it to his advantage.

- Sleep Inducement: Artemis has the ability to induce sleep or feelings of tiredness in individuals, aiding in calming or subduing them.

Telekinesis: Artemis has the ability to levitate, move and otherwise manipulate objects with the power of his mind, ranging from doors to people, and even cars. Sheila once stated that Artemis' powers have no limits. In a fit of rage and frustration, Artemis inadvertently blasted air and dirt away from himself while screaming. He can sustain multiple telekinetic feats at once.

- Telekinetic Push/Pull: Artemis can use his telekinesis to pull objects towards him or to push objects away from him, such as yanking a book off of a shelf or sliding a cup across a table.

- Telekinetic Maneuver: Artemis can use his telekinesis to alter an object's directional course, e.g. changing what number a dice lands on or deflect an opponent attack.

- Object Manipulation: Artemis can use his telekinesis to alter an object's inner workings, notably unlocking a window or a door.

- Telekinetic Compression: Artemis can use his telekinesis to crush beer and soda cans after use.

- Telekinetic Immobilization: Artemis can use his telekinesis to keep objects and beings from moving. However, this application seems to be based solely on concentration and force, as it is possible for Artemis to not be able to hold his victims for very long.

- Telekinetic Healing: Artemis has displayed great degrees of precision with his telekinesis, such as when he used it to heal telekinetically repairing a body on a molecular level.

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