Season 1 Episode 17: Honor amongst each other

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While the group was dealing with the underground tunnels and Paradox Brothers, a familiar face was seen walking through the forest as he was getting closer to the castle.

Seto had a set course of action as he continued on the path to find Mokuba and his company from Pegasus.

Seto had a set course of action as he continued on the path to find Mokuba and his company from Pegasus

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Seto: 'Soon Pegasus will be sorry for the pain he's caused me and my siblings.'

He stopped as he looked at his card necklace which had the similar picture of the three Kaiba siblings at the orphanage.

Seto: Mokuba... 'Doesn't Pegasus realize that nothing will stop me from getting my brother back? Well, he'll soon find out.'

Putting the necklace away, he continued to walk straight for the castle. Unbeknownst to the possible dangers he might encounter.

On the other side of the castle, Jason is seen walking while looking around the forest. His poorly bandaged hand was still struggled due to the burn he sustained during his duel against Panik, Jason grits his teeth with pain as he shrugs it off.

Jason: Damn that coward... What kind of duelist relies on flamethrowers in a duel. It wasn't my fault you were such a sore loser.

Jason keeps walking down the path as he stops to look backwards as he looks around in the trees. Seeing no one, Jason cautiously turned back around to continue walking forward. As he walked it was extremely silent, even after one day of the tournament there weren't many duelists around now.

Jason: Hmm, I guess the tournament must be reaching the end.... I hope that I didn't mess up by going on my own.

???: Hold it right there, son.

Jason stopped walking as he turned around to see a tall man with shoulder-length orange hair and a goatee walking towards him. He was dressed up in a peculiar set of clothes, which consists of a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a black vest with black pants. He also wore a cowboy hat that sat on the top of his head. Jason shifts his foot as the man spoke up.

???: I told ya not to move, didn't I?

He walked over to Jason as the two were now standing eye-to-eye as Jason glares up at the man, before he bends down and grabbed what appears to be a thin invisible wire. Taking out a hunting knife, the man cut the line before he stood back up patting Jason on the shoulder.

???: Whoa, one more step and you'd be strung up by your ankles like a chicken goin' in a frier.

Jason: Um, thanks man... I didn't think Pegasus would put any traps out here.

???: Oh, this wasn't Pegasus. I set the trap.

Jason raised an eyebrow at the man as he walked over to lean onto a tree.

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