Season 1 Episode 15: Double Trouble Pt1

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After the events of the duel between Bonz and Joey, the group were seen still trying to move the boulder that was left in exit by Bandit Keith and his goons. Joey, Yugi and Tristan still try to move the boulder as they struggle and fail to move it.

 Joey, Yugi and Tristan still try to move the boulder as they struggle and fail to move it

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Joey: This thing ain't budgin', boys and girls. Looks like we're trapped.

Tristan: Come on. There's got to be another way out of this place.

Tea: But these tunnels run everywhere. We could be lost down here forever!

Tristan: Forever?

Suddenly Bakura turned around as he started walking away down the tunnel.

Amikou: Huh? Bakura?

Joey: Hey! Bakura? What gives?

Bakura continues walking until he reaches a new tunnel, stopping as he addressed the group who was following.

Bakura: It seems my millennium ring is tugging me in this direction.

Amikou: Why?

Bakura: Well, Yugi and I think that my
Millennium Ring can detect other
millennium items and that it's been honing in on Pegasus's Millennium Eye.

Yugi: So it could be leading us right
to his castle!

Joey: Pegasus. I can't wait to get my hands on that creep.

The group continue to follow Bakura as they make their way into the underground tunnels.

Unbeknownst to the group as they were walking down the tunnels, Inside Pegasus's castle the creator of Duel Monsters sits at his table sipping his wine and watching the group via cameras in the tunnel.

Unbeknownst to the group as they were walking down the tunnels, Inside Pegasus's castle the creator of Duel Monsters sits at his table sipping his wine and watching the group via cameras in the tunnel

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Pegasus: I love this show. What's playing
on dungeon tv? Ha ha ha ha.

Pressing a button on his remote, the monitor changes to show Mokuba Kaiba chained by his ankles in a dungeon cell. He looked scratched up and tired as he clutched onto a necklace with a duel monsters card designed locket.

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