Season 1 Episode 15: Double Trouble Pt1

Start from the beginning

Pegasus: Oh, goody. It's another installment in the sad little saga of Mokuba. Ha ha ha.

Mokuba sits on the cold floor as he opens the locket to show a picture of the three Kaiba siblings but much younger as Mokuba and Seto were playing chess as Amikou was between the two smiling

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Mokuba sits on the cold floor as he opens the locket to show a picture of the three Kaiba siblings but much younger as Mokuba and Seto were playing chess as Amikou was between the two smiling.

Mokuba: 'My brother and sister will come for me. I know they'll come like they always have.'

*Flashback Starts*

The scene changes to show a Young Kaiba siblings standing infront of an orphanage with Amikou and Mokuba holding Seto's hands.

Young Seto: It's just us three now, but it'll be okay.

Young Mokuba: I-i'm scared, Seto.

Young Amikou: Don't worry. We'll always be there for you, Mokuba.

Young Seto: Yeah, we promise.

*Flashback ends*

Mokuba: 'Pegasus thinks that by keeping me locked away, he can take over
your company. But he doesn't know you like I do... How, when we were growing up, you never lost at anything. You'd never give up. You'd just keep on going
till you'd beaten everyone and you're gonna beat Pegasus the same way, so come and rescue me, big brother.'

Mokuba shakes from the cold as he holds the card necklace close to his chest as he spoke softly.

Mokuba: P-please... come soon.

Meanwhile back to the group, they were still walking down the tunnels trying to find another way out. As they continued to walk, the floors and walls seemed to change, looking more neat and well-made. The group looks around as Bakura leads them with his Millennium Ring.

 The group looks around as Bakura leads them with his Millennium Ring

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Joey: So, we gettin' anywhere, Bakura?

Tristan: It's like we've been walking forever.

Joey: And instead of lookin' like the way out, it seems like a big maze.

Amikou: That's right. And look at the walls down here. All the rocks are neatly arranged. It seems man-made. You think someone could be livin' down here?

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