Andy- "It's the aid car Vic"

Andy and Vic rode to the address which just so happened to be "Sweet-waters" the coffee shop Vic had just gone to.

Vic- "I was just here. I got our coffee here."

They walk inside and head to the lady that took Vic's order.

Andy- "Hughes. Asses the patient and get in the aid car."

Vic- "Yes ma'am"

Andy- "I'm Captain Herrera. Can you tell me what happened."

"This guy got mad and threw a knife at that guy. It stuck in his hand now."

Andy- "The police are here. They are going to take an official statement. We are gonna get this guy to the hospital."

They finished their calls. she rest of the day had gone by slow. They were working a 24 hour shift, so they wouldn't get done until the morning. Something came up with Jo and Link and Andy agreed that they could bring the kids by the station for a while.  Jo arrived to drop the toddlers off.

Jo- "Hey i'm really sorry about this. I know you are already taking them next week."

Andy- "Hey It's okay. How about I tell my team I have a sister. Come on"

They walk up to the beanery. Jo is carrying Luna and Scout is being carried by Andy. When they walked in Luna saw Vic.

Luna- "mama down" Jo let her down and she started running.

Luna- "Vickyyy" she said leaping into Vic's arms.

Everyone was confused except Vic.

Andy- "I have been keeping something from all of you."

Travis- "Spill it Herrera"

Maya- "Are you gonna keep it forever."

Andy- "This is my sister Jo and this is my neice and nephew. Scout and Luna."

Warren- "I worked with you for how long Jo and I never knew Herrera is your sister."

Jo- "The only person that knows is my husband and Dr. Amelia Shepard."

Andy- "Well and Hughes"

Travis- "You knew and didn't tell us?"

Vic- " I found  out 2 days ago. I met them yesterday and it wasn't my place to say anything."

Jo- "I have to get going. Thank you for watching them"

Andy- "Of course" she said as she hugged her sister.

Scout and Luna stayed with Vic and the team in the beanery while Andy walked her sister out. She came back up after.

Andy- "What do you guys want for dinner" she asked the two toddlers who were playing with Vic and Travis.

Luna- "Nuggets!"

Scout- "And mac n cheese!"

Maya- "So..A sister"

Andy- "Yes."

Maya- "How old is she?"

Andy- "9 years younger than me"

Robert- "She's 25 and already double board certified?"

Andy- "She started college at 13."

Travis- "Damn. How are you not surprised Vic"

Vic- "I met her yesterday"

Andy- "Guys it's not a big deal"

Maya- "of course it's a big deal"

Andy- "How"

Maya- "You have a sister"

Andy- "You have a brother"

Maya- "So?"

Andy- "Exactly. Not a big deal."

Andy- "Scout. Luna! Foods ready!"

The next morning Andy woke the toddlers up who were sleeping in her bunk. She got them ready after "A" shift left and met up with Vic at her car. Vic and Andy were too tired to change out of uniforms, so they decided to keep them on and just change at home. They decided to stop at Sweet-eaters on the way home. Vic carried Luna and Andy carried Scout, while the two adults held hands. When they walked through the door the bell rang and they were greeted by the delicious smell of coffee. Both kids had fallen asleep in their arms. There were only 3 people in front of them.

"You are the firefighters from earlier."

Andy- "Yes we are"

"What can I get for you?"

Vic- "1 iced Mocha latte. 1 iced Lavender latte. 2 avocado toast. What should we get for the kids babe?"

Andy- "Also 2 breakfast sandwiches"

"will that be all"

Andy- "Yes. Thank you. Also you were right about the lavender latte being the best here"

"Ohh you were the lady from this morning"

Vic- "I was" she said smiling

Andy went to give the lady her card

"Don't worry about it. It's on the house"

Andy- "It's okay. I can pay."

"I insist and from here on out Captain Herrera and Firefighter Hughes  will be getting a discount" she said as she read the women's name tags.

Vic- "That's really not necessary"

"I insist"


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