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"coming!!" i say catching up with her,
"we are going in here, you can't say no" she says holding my hand to guide me into the club.

"okay but i'm not getting out of my face tonight, i've got work tomorrow" i reply

"käde, stop worrying all the time! i managed to move your shift to a later time. you'll be fine either way" the girl says laughing.

"adam really likes you doesn't he..he wouldn't let you change it otherwise" i say, pleasantly surprised. adjusting my shirt, scared it's showing off too much.

"no keep it like that, you need to start chilling out! your always stuck in that little flat you need to have more fun. maybe even get a boyfriend.." mollie tells me off, moving my vest back to how it was. what a girl she is, i love her though.

even though pretty much every club wouldn't serve drinks or even allow you in at 17, mollie knows everyone, including the boss of this very club, so she makes it work.

"i'll get you a drink, meet me over there" the girl says, i agree.

fast forward

"hey beautiful, could i get your cell number?" some man with humid breath approaches me, god the smell of strong vodka lingers when he speaks. eurgh.

"i'm good, thanks though" i reply, slurring in my speech, i start to feel hot and bothered.

me and mollie dance for a bit, but i can't take it any longer,

"i don't feel so good, sorry" i say clenching the side of my waist, standing awkwardly.

"why are you sorry, silly. let's go get a kebab on the way home and you'll feel much better" she says holding my hand to guide me out.

"did something happen? you know i can do something if it did" she says starting to get defensive, it's like she sobered up in a snap of a finger.
"im ok, i just feel lightheaded. and tired" i say rubbing my eyes

"okay well let's just go straight home, screw the kebab for now." we walk home and i pass straight out on the sofa, the moment i sat on it. "lightweight" she snaps, giggling to herself.

*third person view*

mollie takes off käde's shoes for her and places a blanket on her wiping off her eye makeup so it doesn't stain the pillow.
she brushes her teeth and stairs at the mirror for a hot minute to check if she has any removable makeup left, nothing. she goes to upload a small snippet of her day into her secret personal blog, and checks the 'news' for the day. she sees a post about tokio hotel, she thinks to herself, what it could be, so she clicks on it and scans through until she reads something she wasn't expecting,

"is that käde?"

never knew - bill kaulitz, ocWhere stories live. Discover now