🍃The Secret Stone🍃

Start from the beginning

"Can't we just tell them I'm fine? I'm not in the mood for... anything to be honest." I sighed. I'm in serious need of some good rest...

And for goddesses sake can't (Y/N) and I have a private moment without it ending up badly?! I swear if the next time we get to be alone...

"Okay, don't worry. The princess told us we could stay at the castle tonight!" (Y/N) smiled. "I'll meet you in whatever bedroom you choose, okay?" They hugged me tightly before leaving to look for the other two Rito.

"At least I know I'll be getting some good cuddles... wait WHAT AM I SAYING?!"

Flustered and slightly mad at myself, I made my way up to the guest bedrooms in the castle. I just picked one at random and flopped into bed. "Ughh... what a day..."

After a few minutes and no signs of (Y/N), I decided to go out to the roof to get some fresh air. Maybe that can help me wind down...

I stayed there until (Y/N) finally came back. "Revali? Are you here?"

"Up here on the roof."

"Sorry it took a while!" (Y/N) said as they climbed out the window. "Magnus was bugging me about the secret stone... again."

"It's fine." I sighed.

"You seem tired, birdie..."

"Of course I'm tired!" I stood up. "We have another massive headache to deal with now with the Yiga Clan bringing back the calamity! How are we going to defeat a stronger version of the thing that would've killed us if it weren't for whatever that stupid robot thing did to bring those guys from the future?!"

(Y/N) wrapped their arms around my waist. "It is worrying, but... no need to stress yourself about that, love. We'll find a way."

Finally, after always getting interrupted in these kinds of moments, we were back to that comfortable silence. Just us, the moonlight shining above us, and the tranquility of being close to my lover.

"Better?" (Y/N) looked down at me with a slight smile.


"You know... when I feel exhausted from it all, sometimes just playing my guitar helps." (Y/N) suggested, pulling out their guitar. "Want me to play something for you?"

"Well... maybe I can play something for you? Or we can play something together?"

"Oh? Are you finally showing me your violin skills?!" (Y/N)'s long tail wagged with excitement.

"Heh, of course you would get excited over that... But... where's my violin?"

"Oh! Right, you left it at the hut in Zon'hirith that night." (Y/N) handed me my violin. It seemed intact... even better than when I left it.

"Huh... Well, it doesn't matter. Ready to see a masterful display, dummy?"

"Mhm! Come on, just play already!" They said with excitement, readying their guitar. How adorable.

"Well... here it goes." I took a deep breath and started playing.

A/N: It took longer than I thought to find a good violin cover of a romantic song for this... just play the song I linked on the top lol

"That was-"

"Horrendous!" I complained. "I can't play for the life of me."

"WHAT?! You can't be serious, love! That was beautiful!"

"Oh come on, (Y/N). Don't lie to me..."

"Do I look like I'm lying?"


"Then it's the truth! I knew you were good at the violin, but... this good?! Damn!"

"Oh shush... you're just trying to make me blush."

"I mean every word I said, birdie." (Y/N) hugged me tightly again, dropping their guitar to the side. "You feel better now?"

"Mhm... I suppose..."

"Good. I don't like seeing you stressed..." (Y/N) sighed in relief.

"At least you actually know how to get me to calm down..."

"I mean, you're my boyfriend! Of course I know that."

We sat on the roof for a few hours, I believe. (Y/N) rambled on and on about how they couldn't believe I thought I was bad at the violin. But I wasn't really listening... just staring into their eyes filled me with such joy...


also sorry the song is so cheesey i just couldnt think of anything else to put :p

Promise (Revali x Reader) (Rewritten!) (ON HIATUS THANKS TO LACK OF IDEAS!)Where stories live. Discover now