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Hello everyone ♡
I don't remember this story but nvm
Let's continue

Jungkook after finding his mate was extremely happy .. his wolf find some peace

Though whenever he sees Taehyung or meets him , he feels like never let him go and just mark him and Do things

He is one horny alpha or so he just blames his wolf for that , His wolf Wants to claim Taehyung and wants the world to know that Taehyung is just His!!

But he can't do that not when he just met him a week ago , he started courting his mate.

But he haven't met his mate for 2 whole days and His wolf has been whining a lot

And he himself is sulking, but unfortunately His sister showed up , obviously on work purpose

But he is angry at his work which is not his thing , he loves to work and now he just wanted to complete it

His sister came because well apparently there was an urgent meeting and He had to leave the pack..

He came back tonight and was sulking because it's kinda late and he can't go meet Taehyung right now

So his sister asked him to go for ice-cream which he didn't wanted to .. he is tired and wanted to just cuddle his mate

Sad, he can't do that

Lisa who saw her brother sulking took his brother forcefully to get some ice-cream

Well now that here they are eating ice-cream and Jungkook seems again a bit sad so she thought about something

"So how is your mate ?" Lisa asked because well she is curious about Jk mate

The second Jungkook heard the question about his mate, his face formed a big bunny smile!

"He is just perfect, he is soo pretty and cute and hot , and when he smiles , my body just feels happy like all I want to do is make him happy and see his beautiful smile " Jungkook start speaking and The big bunny smile never left his face

" I am very happy that you found your mate " Lisa said with a smile

" so am I " Jungkook said with his face not leaving bunny smile

Suddenly Jungkook face frowned because he can smell his mate and the smell is very sour

Which indicates that his mate / his baby / his sweetheart is upset , but why ? And what is he doing here at this time-

The chain of thoughts break down when Lisa asked what happen to him

Jungkook ignored her and followed the sour smell-

Lisa who got worried quickly paid and ran behind her brother!


Taehyung who Ran to his safe place which is the place where he found his mate

He knows that Jennie is behind him but he doesn't care ..

He didn't like the view of his mate smiling at some random girl when he was worried sick for him

He knows that he is over reacting a bit but he don't care that

His whole life he never felt love

For the first time when he thought maybe he would get his love , maybe moon goddess showed some pity on said boy

He felt he was wrong, does by any chance moon goddess hates him?

He don't know if Jungkook is gonna leave him for that beautiful girl he was laughing with

This Thought made him break down properly, Tears not stopping and breath a bit fast

Jennie who was running behind Taehyung heard A painful sob which makes her follow the sound of it

Her heart break when she saw Taehyung holding his knees and crying

Jennie quickly ran towards him and hugged the boy , let the boy hug her and hide his face in her chest !

"Shh Tae , baby it's fine .. maybe she was just friend " Jennie said trying to assure the boy who's breath was a bit fast


Jungkook who was following very sour smell which leads to the lake where he met his mate

He soon heard the painful cry of his mate which makes his heart drop to stomach, he quickly rushed to the sound

He saw His mate crying on Jennie sister which made him let out a slow growl

He is very possessive person, he knows that it's his sister but still , his wolf doesn't like it

Back to the point, the growl made Taehyung and Jennie turn their head towards their direction

When Jungkook saw Taehyung face , all red with a bit swollen eyes and red running nose and red cheeks and Lips trembling a bit

He can't help but find Him beautiful in his crying but he hates it a lot

"Sweetheart " Jungkook called softly while going near him ..

Jennie moved a bit and let Jungkook Go near Taehyung..

Jungkook slowly went near Taehyung and sit behind him and pulled him in his lap

"Baby" Jungkook called softly again while creasing his cheeks in loving manner

Taehyung break down more feeling Jungkook love with his touch , fuck he missed his touch and him a lot

Jungkook realizing his mate sadness through their mate bound Released Calming pheromones for his sugar

"What happen to my queen?" Jungkook asked softly when he realized his mate Calming because of the pheromones

His hand still creasing his baby face in loving manner and leaving some kisses in his forehead

He waited until Taehyung calmed down and then again asked

" I- I saw you with g-girl today, d-dont l-leave me " Taehyung stuttered while saying and
hugged Jungkook more tightly

Him again leaving a painful sob , scared his mate gonna leave him !

"Sugar , sweetheart look at me " Jungkook said softly while holding his chin to make him look at him

He cooed when he saw his baby pouty lips and big puppy eyes while looking at him

He could give him a whole world if Taehyung asked from him!

"She was my sister baby, I could Never think of even cheating to you" Jungkook told softly to his baby

Who now looks whole red , by his smell he could tell his baby is embarrassed

"It's totally fine, If I would be you, i guess I would behave the same " Jungkook said while placing a kiss on his forehead

"M sorry " Taehyung said while hiding his face in his mate chest

"It's totally fine moon , I missed you" Jungkook replied softly while placing lot of kisses on his forehead and taking his baby smell

Okay I think that's all for this chapter!
Next chapter would be soon now that my exams are over
I am sorry for updating late I just don't remember this story..

I would Try to finish this book soon as well

I hope you all liked this chapter and sorry for all of you who was waiting for long time ♡

Take care of yourself and Stream Fri [ ends ] by Taehyung ♥︎♥︎

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