Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Chapter 6

She woke up at home in her soft queen-sized purple bed. She looked at the celling fan then wondered what time it was. Jaelyn leaned over picked up her house phone and dialed the curtis' phone  number. Ponyboy answered, he recognized her number. "Hey Jaelyn." pony said. "Hi, is Soda back?" she asked determined. "No, I haven't heard from him." Pony answered. "Well then... bye I'll talk to you later." she said as she hung up the phone. She sighed a lonely sigh then sunk her head into her pillow and thought. Then she remember something, Dallas said he knew where they would be. Did that mean he was going to find them now. She picked up the phone and dialed Curtis' number again, "Hi..." Ponyboy said confused why she was calling...again. "Yeah hi, have you heard anything from Dally or anyone?" "Nope" he answered. "Oh ok bye." she said saddened by his answer. Where could they be she wondered. She scrolled through her contact book looking for Dallas' phone number. She found it then dialed, no answer so she waited. Could her and Soda's relationship really be over... No, she couldn't think like that she reminded herself to stay positive.

"You cold?" Soda asked Scarlette as they sat by the fireplace offering her a blanket. "What do you care?" she said rudely. "Scarlette, we're friends course I care."  he explained. "I wanna go back." she said ignoring him. "Ok..." "i dont really care what you do but i'm going back to be with him." she announced. "ok, where should i go?" he asked. "like I said i dont care."Sodapop felt a little hurt as he felt his temper rise. "Scarlette, I get you miss him but he's not the only thing you should care about." he said, Scarlette whirled around to face him. "I love him, but of course you wouldn't know what that feels like! Every girl you've ever been with has cheated on you or used you!" she snapped. Soda looked down, that stung Sodapop more than anything she could have said. Soda stood up. "you should talk! You're damn boyfriend made out with another girl at your house! And I bet that's not the only girl! He shouted. Scarlette glared furiously. "how dare you." she said through her teeth. Soda turned away. Scarlette wanted to burst into tears  because somewhere in the back of her head she Soda could be right.

 Jaelyn's phone wrung and she dashed to get it. She answered. "Hello?" she answered. "Jaelyn." he replied. "Dally where are you? Are you with Scarlette?" She asked throwing questions at him. "No, I'm tryin' to find her." Dally said. "do you know where she is?" Jaelyn asked. "no, I just, wanted to try to find her. It's not worth it though." he said. "she could be dead for all I know." He shuddered. Not dead. He tried to clear his head. "oh." was all Jaelyn could manage. "do you know where they are?" he asked. "no." Jaelyn said. He hung up. He pulled over. Was it worth it? No, he would never find her. He could feel the weight of the small box in his pocket. He pulled it out and glanced at the shiny diamond. He felt a throb in his chest. What if he never got to give this to her? What if. Maybe he was better off dead if he was without her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2013 ⏰

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