Chapter One

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Trouble in paradise

Chapter 1

Scarlette stood in the kitchen as she cleaned the counter, Dally stood in the entry-way. "Scarlette?" Dally asked. "what honey?" Scarlette answered. "You know how your uh expectin' us to be as truthful as possible with each other..." Dally paused. "uh hummm." Scarlette nodded "last Friday night when you were with Jaelyn... I got really drunk..." he paused again. "Oh Dal, why do you have to get so drunk?" Scarlette begged. Dally continued, "well I got drunk at this party and Cherry Valance was there and...I wasn't thinking and took her home and..." "And what?" Scarlette asked getting more and more upset. "we well, made out on the couch and...nothing else happened man...then she went home, but." He finished quietly. "You kissed her on our couch?" Scarlette said horrified. "You brought her to our house?" Scarlette shouted close to tears. "what am I not good enough for you?" Scarlette asked. "no! I love you Scarlette, I was drunk! Ok?" Dally retorted. "ya bull shit! How the hell does that make up for anything? You're always drunk Dally! Do think I want to come home to a boyfriend who's always passed out on the couch after he's gotten so drunk he can't stand up?" she screamed. "now it's too far! Kissing her was stupid, so stupid!" Scarlette said storming into their room and throwing his clothes out the closet. "there! I'm helping you pack up!" she screamed as Dally leaned against the door rubbing his temples. "Dallas, get out of my house!" Scarlette shouted and shoved him in the chest as she walked past him. "don't ever do that to me again! At the party tomorrow I'm going alone, and if u get drunk go crash on Cherry's couch maybe you can make out with her again!" Scarlette said rolling her eyes but not yelling anymore. "Scarlette..." Dallas began. "don't talk to me, get your stuff and get out." Scarlette said cutting him off. He grabbed his bags and made his way to the door as he said nothing and shut the front door behind him. Scarlette went into their room and lay down the bed. She noticed he had left his pillow. She cried harder as she hugged it to her chest.

The next morning Scarlette woke and rolled over in bed and shivered when touched the cold, vacant side of the bed. She was still hugging the pillow that Dally left. She felt dizzy as she sat up and remembered Dally's comforting voice saying "rise and shine babe" that seemed like years ago even though it was only yesterday morning. She closed her eyes and imagined Dally was there for a second. It seemed so real until she opened her eyes. She was half expecting Dally to still be lying next her. She slowly put one foot on the floor then the other. The house was so silent, it was eerie.

She walked in with Sodapop. They were holding hands. Jaelyn looked amazing, her thin straight hair laying on her shoulders. Soda with his cute jeans and handsome plaid blue shirt. Jaelyn turned to kiss his soft lips, then gave him a pretty smile and wandered off. Jaelyn was focused on only one thing at that time, something she knew was bound to happen sometime. She knew that it wouldn't be right kissing her boyfriend's younger brother, yet still felt the need to and did. After she kissed him he asked"Why'd you do that?" he asked confused by her actions. "I could tell you needed something to cheer you up" she said as she glanced around the room, Cherry had rejected him she could tell. "Well... now what?" Pony asked. "What? Do you expect me to not tell Soda?" he spoke in a quiet voice. "Can't this just be our one little secret?" She said praying he wouldn't tell him and thinking about how pissed and hurt Sodapop would be. "He's my brother, i have to tell him" he said. "please just keep this one thing!" she said sweetly as she sighed and walked away to get a drink not waiting for his answer. She straightened her dark purple dress, she threw her medium length dark brown hair behind her shoulders. "Can i get a cherry coca-cola" she asked the bartender. "Thanks" she said as he handed her the drink. She noticed Soda approaching her. "Oh great..." she muttered under her breath. She swiveled the bar stool around to face him. "How could you ever do that to me Jaelyn?" Soda almost shouted. "It was only a kiss..." she said, trying to make it less of a big deal than it needed to be. She noticed Scarlette walk in. Scarlette's facial expression showed that she was perplexed to see Jaelyn and Soda fighting so atrociously. "Only a kiss? Do you not care at all about our relationship? Does us being together ain't mean anything to you. I mean, it's like I do so much for you and then you go and kiss my brother." he was extremely frustrated. "I was only trying to help him, i wasn't trying to ruin our whole damn relationship!" she shouted and then said "You know what, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for pissing you off by trying to make your brother feel a little better, my mistake. Goodnight!" she hollered trying to keep herself from crying as she left the party. Scarlette's mouth fell open as Jaelyn pushed past her. "Jaelyn?" Scarlette called after her with no answer. Scarlette made her way through the crowd until she made it to Sodapop, who was sitting at the bar with his face in his hands. Scarlette sat down next to him and looked down at her red strapless mini dress, just to make sure she looked perfect. She put her hand gently on his back. "Sodapop, are you ok?" he took his face out of his hands to look up. "Hey Scarlette." he said. "what just happened?" Scarlette asked sincerely confused. "oh nothing, unless you count Jaelyn kissing Ponyboy something 'cuz she obviously didn't count it as something." he said sarcastically. "She kissed pony?" Scarlette asked shocked. "yeah." soda said his shoulders sagging a little. Scarlette frowned. It didn't sound like something Jaelyn would do, maybe... Soda's voice interrupted her thoughts. "So you and Dally still fighting?" Scarlette looked around the room and saw Dallas in his leather jacket standing in the corner surrounded by a group of loud, obnoxious guys all holding beer bottles, Dally wasn't drinking. They met eyes and Scarlette quickly turned back to Soda. She could still feel Dallas' eyes on her back. "yeah, we're still fighting." Scarlette responded to Soda. "if you need anything Soda, just ask." Scarlette said turning to get up. "well there is one thing we could do to make me feel better..." soda whispered leaning in and gently touching one her golden locks of hair. Then kissed Scarlette. Scarlette's mind was fogging up and her vision was blurry. She stood up. "I...I need some air." she said biting her lip. Soda looked up."Scarlette, wait..." his voiced trailed off as Scarlette hurriedly walked away. Out of the corner of her eye Scarlette could see Dally, standing still as stone. Scarlette turned for the door and Dally followed. It was a cold, cloudless night and the stars shined down on them. Scarlette's black metallic heels clacked on the cement and Dally turned to her. "Scarlette? What the hell was that about?" Dally said his eyes blazing. "What?" Scarlette said sharply. "Don't act like I didn't just see that!" he shouted. "see what?" She said shivering. He looked at her "why would you kiss him?" he asked. She turned away and remembered his eyes on her back. "why would you kiss cherry?" She said throwing his question back at him. Dally's jaw clenched, "Don't bring her into to this." he whispered. She looked at him, "so you can yell at me for kissing Sodapop but I can't yell at you for making out with Cherry?" she shouted at his back. He turned to face her as he said "Scarlette Mackenzie Marxer, kissing her was the stupidest thing I ever did man." There was only a few times she had heard that tone in his voice. There were tears glittering on his cheeks. She hated seeing him cry. "Dallas, I'm sorry, I'm not ready to talk about this right now." She said. "whatever, then forget this, all of it." Dally mumbled and walked back towards the building. He left her standing there. She thought to herself, why did she let Sodapop kiss her?

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