"No Haider Bhai. I will not sit back calmly without proving my capability. If I have to achieve something, I won't shy away from doing anything to get it," he mumbled firmly, ending the discussion with it.

"Then you should really leave. Let me see how can you survive a second without any luxury and money of your father," Tashfeen enlightened him.

"What are you saying?" Aqia almost cried out.

Huzaifa smirked. "Let us see it together then. I will leave from here as soon as possible."

"Huzaifa, wait for a moment." Aqia rushed after him but he already hopped upstairs to his room.

"What did you do, Tashfeen? He will leave for real," Aqia grumbled, as tears fell from her eyes.

"Then let me go. He should also know that all these perks he has been getting is because of his father. He doesn't have anything to claim as his own. Not even a single penny. And he wants to experiment with his life choices and career. Let me taste the real medicine then. He will learn his lesson in this way," Tashfeen said, trying hard to not appear affected by all this.

"What was bad in hearing him calmly and making him understand what's better for him?" Aqia reasoned.

Haider interfered. "At least you guys don't fight among yourself. Dad if he wants to do something which he loves, then let him do that. What's bad if he wants to join showbiz? It's considered a very respectable profession these days. Give him a chance."

"I have nothing to see in this matter. Ask him to quit his fondness or else I have no place for Huzaifa in my house. I don't want everyone to proclaim me as a father of someone who has joined this sick and low profession," Tashfeen gave his verdict and left too.

While all Unaiza did was to worry more. She knew Huzaifa. He was very impulsive and would not let go of something which he had gotten in his mind. And now he had been given a bet to prove himself and perhaps he would let it go. While Tashfeen would also never accept this.


What I fretted, had finally happened. After his heated altercation with Tashfeen Papa, I approached Huzaifa to let him change his mind. But he didn't listen.

"He wants me to prove my worth and I won't sit back before ascertaining it to him that I am apt enough."

That was his answer to me as I found him fuming with anger in his room.

"Tashfeen Papa is only temporarily angry. Give him some time, Huzaifa. Don't make any impulse decision," I tried to make him understand.

"You won't get it, Unaiza. Once someone risks my capability, I will never sit back like a coward. Dad had always been against what I liked. If my respect and silence hadn't brought the desired effect then nothing will ever bring it until I prove my worth to him," he said this.

I knew he would not listen now. Huzaifa was like a guy who considered life like a game and himself like a fighter. Someone who had to win no matter what. And then now it didn't matter who was opposite to him.

Dear Diary, I really hope he will stay. What will happen to Aqia Mama and Tashfeen Papa if he leaves? And me? How will I live without him? A small part of mine found relief in his sight. And lastly he? How could he survive without everything? How could he survive without us and away from his family?

But I still wish him the best.


So he was going. The morning sun had brought the rays of disappointment for all of us. Before leaving, he made sure to return his wallet, credit cards, and key to his heavy bike and car to Tashfeen Papa. He left the house empty-handed. What will he do now? How can I live without him? Without him being my support and him teasing me? How can I leave without seeing his face and talking to him?

Maybe he didn't care for me enough but he should have thought about Aqia Mama, Haider Bhai, and Jannat. Haider Bhai had tried to stop him but he didn't listen. He tried to appease Tashfeen Papa but he was also not understanding. A mutual solace was necessary between the two but none wanted to become the first. Then Haider Bhai said that if that's what he wants to do, then let him try his luck. After all, he also chose a profession that didn't come to him from his father. That was another thing that Aqia Mama wanted Haider Bhai to become a pilot and that was his fascination. Tashfeen Papa too respected his wife and son's wish at that time. That was another thing that after Nishs Api's incident, to show rebellion, Haider Bhai joined the police. But Tashfeen Papa always saw his legacy and business to continue by Huzaifa. Maybe that's why it was hurting him more when Huzaifa didn't comply.

Aqia Mama cried, yelped but neither Huzaifa nor Tashfeen Papa budged a little. Tashfeen Papa was adamant that he should let go of his passion and he wanted to prove himself to the rest of the world.

I was reminded of the same day when Haider Bhai left us. However, he had Ishmal Bhabi with him. He was well off, rich, and had someone to take care of him. While Huzaifa was all on his own. Yet perhaps he had Inaya with him. The girl he loved and who could give him the love which he deserved.

I had tears in my eyes as I was writing these lines. I shouldn't cry but what can I do with my stupid heart? It never stops beating for Huzaifa. Even when I was about to get married to Sarim, it still throbbed for Huzaifa. I wish him the best of luck for his future and Inaya. I hope he will come back after becoming successful and Tashfeen Papa will become happy in his happiness.

Because in Huzaifa's happiness, Unaiza's happiness lies.


AssalamoAlaikum/ Hi guys!

How are you?

Here's a new chapter.

So Huzaifa is leaving the house?

What do you think will happen next?

Who do you think is more wrong? Huzaifa or his father?

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