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Warning: This part contains mentioning of violence, hatred and self harm

April 12, 2020

Yeosang stared nervously at his phone display and counted the seconds that passed. There was nothing but darkness around him. A suffocating smell enveloped him, but all that mattered to him was the time. Two more minutes and he would be here. Yeosang couldn't wait any longer.

The last few days had felt like hell on earth. Ever since his big secret had been revealed on Monday, the world had seen him with different eyes. Even his parents seemed to be strangers all of a sudden. He was the only one left.

The heavy door to the sports hall was opened and Yeosang looked up full of hope. Not a second later, the door to the changing rooms where he was sitting opened and the lights switched on. Yeosang couldn't help but smile as he recognized his silver waves and tattoos in the light.

"Here you are." his soft voice resembling the smoothness of honey rang out. Yeosang stood up from the bench where he had been sitting for the last hour. "I didn't dare go out." Yeosang laughed, playing down the fear that was actually reflected in his voice.

Yeosang had always known. He knew he was different. But he had never shown or admitted it. He had always pretended to be like everyone else. He had always tried not to stand out and to prove to his parents that he was worthy of being loved. But a month ago, everything was suddenly different.

A new boy from Japan named Takeo had transferred to the school and although he immediately caught Yeosang's eye, he tried to ignore it, as he had done his whole life. But as unfortunate as he was they ended up in a study group together, and after a while Yeosang had to admit to himself that it was useless. Because no matter how much he fooled everyone and himself, it would never go away. He would always stay like this and he would never stop liking boys.

Still, Yeosang tried to suppress his feelings for Takeo because he knew that no one would accept it, Takeo at least. Everything went well until the night they met alone for the first time and Yeosang lost control. It was the first time he let it out, and even if it was only for a tiny second, he immediately regretted it. Because after his lips had touched Takeo's and he had seen Takeo's startled look, he wanted nothing more than to disappear and vanish into thin air. And the fact that Takeo had suddenly jumped up and run away made things even worse. Yeosang decided to never do anything like that again and just ignore everyone around him.

At least that was the case until Takeo came to him a few days later and confessed his feelings. And although it had been the best day of Yeosang's life, this was where all the chaos began. After all, what was more difficult than hiding himself? Right, a relationship to hide and neither Yeosang nor Takeo wanted anyone to find out what was going on between them.

Everything went well for the first few weeks and Yeosang almost thought he had finally found happiness, but of course that wasn't the case. Because on Monday, what Yeosang had been trying to prevent for years happened. Someone had secretly posted a photo of him and Takeo kissing. Fortunately, only Yeosang's face could be seen on it, but now it was only a matter of time before they found out who the second boy was, and then Yeosang's happiness would be ruined for good.


Yeosang felt Takeo grab his hand and pull him to his feet. As always, there was a small smile on his lips, which Yeosang loved more than anything. "If anyone says anything mean to you again, I'll go after them myself." Yeosang smiled sadly, because he knew that even if Takeo said something like that, he wouldn't feel any safer.

"Don't be sad, you still have me. We don't need anyone else, right?" Takeo tried to cheer him up and his hands wrapped around the back of Yeosang's neck, giving him goosebumps. Yeosang nodded, his eyes traveling over Takeo's dark eyes and eyebrows shining through his light hair. Takeo noticed Yeosang's gaze and slowly leaned forward until their lips connected and Yeosang could finally let himself fall.

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