some help • nandor

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summary: when the sun hasnt awaken yet a rush of knocks were thrown against your front door. rattling you from your sleep you marched to the dark wooden door and opened it. you didnt know what you expect but its definitely not a man with green skin and long hair to be the one disrupting your peace, what does he want?

a/n: witch!reader (also sorry couldnt add more romantic stuff in here, more nandor oneshots to come~ i promise!)

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what lays before you is nothing but darkness yet you felt restful and pleasant, not a single care to the world u saw before, no more pesky animals eating your herbs, no more leaky ceilings, no more disgusting ogers and their curses and most definitely.. the most wondrous part, no more-


your breath hitches and you didnt move a single bit, as if that would make the sound go away-


you groaned, closing your ears with your pillow 'what on earth do they want in this wicked hour' you thought as you scratched your hair in frustration, sleep still the only thing you feel


You groaned louder this time, it seems like an unspoken contest has bestowed upon you, lets find a fitting title for this contest.. it could be called 'whoever can wake up the neighbours faster wins' oh! or 'whoever annoyed the other person more goes to hell faster' i think i like the second one better.

you marched to the front door, you didnt even care about your nightly attire nor how you look like you just woke up because guess what, you just did!

you hurrily unlocked the door and opened it with a great force, prepared to kill whoever woke you up when you were met with a man with long hair some of it tied in a bun. can't lie that he's fucking gorgeous, his outfit were odd, something you could see centuries ago, but whats even odder is his skin, you can say someone ate too many vegetables or someone got angry. 

"he- hello! w-witch.. i need your help" the man before you said

you were staring at him like he just rode on a unicorn or something, its probably the sleep in you.

"well.." you looked at the 'invisible' clock behind you as you stared him dead in the eyes "you do know what time it is, right?"

his eyes widened as your words sinked to his skin, he then looked at you then to the ground guilt clouding his senses.

"i'm sorry, b-but this is an emergencyyy.. some werewolf throw me one of you witches' potions and well- it made me green! ...i wasnt green before" he trailed off as his eyes was scared to meet yours

anger long forgotten you try to save your laugh and said to him "...fine, i'll help you but don't think this wont cost you nothing! a witch needs their sleep"

by that he quickly look at you and a smile appeared so fast "oh thank you! thank you! dear witch this means alot!"

"yeah yeah, come in" you opened the door wider for him

as he come in he immediately scanned through your cottage eyes big full of curiosity and awe

as he did that you took in the green man infront of you, he's totally not human- of course and by the fangs it is confirmed that he's a vampire. which is odd since you hardly ever get vampire customers, witches and vampires just dont mix.

"what, never been to a witches' home before?" you asked

"well no, not never, the last time ive been into a witches' domain is in a skincare store- they were trying to make us as 'anti-aging potions'" he glanced back at you noticing your confused expression

"...which is different from your cottage, b-but your cottage is more nicer- of course.. oh! and you wouldnt make me into anti-aging potions... would you?" the odd man infront of you asked you, worry filled his face until a cackle left your mouth

"of course not, youre a customer! thats what payments are for" you answered, relief washed over him as he smiled at you a hand raised

"i'm nandor, nandor the relentless" a smile found its way to your face as you took his hand and shook it, introducing yourself.

"well, nandor, let's get you back to normal. you look like hulk" you said as you walked further inside your cottage

"a what?" nandor asked, footsteps getting louder as he followed to catch up

"green gigantic angry man thing"

"oh! can i see one?!?" he asked eagerly

you sighed opening the door to your workshop with a wave from your hand all the things you needed were infront of you including your new not-a-hulk friend.

"he's not real bud, now let's get that green out of you"

many chantings and telling nandor to stop moving later it is now morning, nandor is back to his original skin and you're both tired.

you look at the worn out vampire on your couch and say "the sun's already going up i don't think you can go outside now"

a sigh escaped nandor's mouth "i know" he grumbled glancing at the wall beside him he looked like an ipad kid who's parents just confiscated all of their electronics.

hiding your smile you took a breath as you walked up to him and placed your darkened hands up on his shoulder making him look at you

"well, nandor- you can stay for the night. or- day- whatever"

a frenzied smile sprouted from nandor's face as he took you in a bear hug

"oh thank you! thank you! thank you! oh! i could kiss you right now!" nandor screeched, his tiredness from before had suddenly mysteriously gone and his battery all full

"cal- calm down! and who says this is for free?! i got a leaky attic that needs fixing and those holes aint gonna close itself!"

"fine fine, i'll pay you- i mean guillermo will pay you, later of course"

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